How I Met Your Mother...

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Diggy's POV

"Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?" Danielle asked.

"Good question, ask daddy" Y/n said dabbing Kaceon mouth as he wiggled in her arms.

"Why, if you can tell me?" Danielle asked. I looked at Y/n waiting for her to speak. She glared at me then whispered in Danielle's ear.

"Tell him after he's done telling the story, alright?" Y/n asked as Danielle giggled. Danielle nodded and they pinky promised.

"Daddy, daddy how did you and mommy meet?" She asked once again.

10 years ago

"Diggy, I don't want to leave" Y/n cried.

"How will you stay here if your mom leaves?" I asked. Y/n shrugged.

"I asked if I can stay with one of my aunties. But my mom said no." Y/n sobbed. I was hopping I could ask my mom if Y/n could stay with us. But when I asked the words I know I was going to hear where not said.

"Daniel, no if her mom said she has to leave, she has to leave" My mom said.

"So you and mommy were friends at a young age?" Danielle asked. Y/n nodded.

"Yes since we were 8. Daddy was my best friend and he still is" Y/n said with a smile.

"Daddy, your name is Daniel?" Danielle asked. I laughed at how interested she was.

"Yes, you want me to continue the story?" I asked. She nodded sitting on the floor in front of me in her Christmas pajamas.

5 years ago

"Bye Diggy" One of the girls in the meet and greet said. Her clique following behind her. The line moved up and a familiar face stood in front of me. I couldn't put my finger on it but she looked familiar.

"Hey, Diggy. How was your day?" She asked.

"Fine and yours?" I asked.

"It's going well, really well actually now that I'm getting to see my best friend." She said. I looked up at her and it hit me like a brick. Getting up I embraced her in a hug.

"Y/n" I whispered in her ear. She giggled.

"Daniel" Y/n said as we let go of each other.

"Long time, no see" Y/n said. I nodded.

"Definitely" I said admiring her beauty. Flawless, like she has always been.

"So, your not going to sign my poster?" Y/n asked throwing my thoughts to the back of my head. Signing the poster I put my number on it and in no time she was heading for the door.

"That year I got pregnant with you" Y/n said pointing briefly at Danielle. Danielle smiled and danced around.

"How did you get pregnant?" Danielle asked.

"Your father chased after me ever chance he got. But that's for another day" Y/n said.

"Daddy, I got a boyfriend" Danielle said.

"You got a what?" I asked.

"A best friend" Danielle said changing her words.

"Yeah, that what I thought. Don't make me beat up a five year old" I said. Y/n shook her head. Danielle laughed.

"Is it time to open the presents yet?" Danielle asked. I nodded and she ran over to the tree.

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