Chapter 10

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~ In which there is a home

Patch and Minna wandered around the town for the rest of the afternoon. Ms. King had told them that dinner was to be promptly at six in the evening. She gave them her address and also her phone number in case they got lost or couldn't make it.

     So the duo walked farther down the street, passing more houses and even an elementary school before they stopped at a little park. Patch really wanted to sit on the swings, so Minna joined her. Patch was carrying so many items at this point - her backpack and her new violin - that she had to put it all down beside her.

     "So," Minna spoke as the two kids swung slowly on the swings.

     "Yeah, Minna?" Patch asked.

     "Were you always so good at the violin?" He wasn't sure what to think of the younger girl anymore. Whenever he thought he might have figured her out she keeps shocking him with something new.

     "Good?" Patch kicked against the ground below her. "I'm not good."

     "Yeah? 'You sure? I've never even heard pros that amazing!"

     "It's kind of average in the Bay Area."

     "Sure it is. I'm from L.A. Patch! The home of freaking Hollywood talents!"

     "If you haven't heard anything good then I'm not sure what to say," Patch dismissed. "I have a friend who got to where I was in less than half the time." She tried to avoid saying which friend.

     "'Course!" Minna laughed sarcastically. "You wouldn't be friends with anyone who wasn't awesome."

     "I guess that makes sense; I'm friends with you." Patch supplied her consent. Minna blushed.

     "... That's debatable." Minna spoke quietly.

     That inspired no immediate reply from Patch. "Are you saying... Are you saying that we aren't friends?" Her voice cracked. Minna looked straight at her with wide eyes, but she turned away.

     "No!" He protested. "Don't misunderstand. I meant to say, that I'm not, I mean, you know I'm, I'm... definitely not awesome." She stayed with her back to him. For a long moment, she said nothing. Her shoulders started to gently shake.

     "What?" Minna reached out with concern to comfort her. "Patch? Tell me, what's wrong?"

     And Patched erupted into laughter. Minna couldn't help but be confused.

     "Oh, nothing. It's just..." Patch wiped building tears from her eyes with her palms, continuing to tremble. "You really scared me there." Minna's gut twisted. He didn't mean to do that. It wasn't what he meant. How could he show her what he really wanted to say? Stupid, stupid. Stupid!

     He practically ran off the swing to Patch's side. Holding her face gently, he turned it to face him. "Patch, I really like you." Minna spoke tenderly. "I want to stay by your side."

     He drew back a bit, startled. Oh. Were those his true feelings? His heart spoke better than his mind did, apparently. But was that something he had wanted to tell her?

     Minna gave a warm smile. No taking anything back, no regrets. I must really, really like her.

     Patch gave him a warm, teary smile. "Thank you, Minna. I really appreciate that. I don't feel lonely when you're here."  ...Huh? Maybe... Had his confession just been kinda dismissed? It had only been a couple days knowing her... But Minna still felt his heart sinking down to his feet. Mentally shaking himself, he forced out a smile. As long as he was by her side, everything was all right.

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