The one and only chapter

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Hullo fellow fanfiction readers! This is my very first fanfic so the writing may be a little crappy, but I tried my best for something that smacked me in the face at 10:30 pm at night. This is a oNeShOt as you saw in the description and a pretty short one at that. But I hope you like it!


I lay there in pain as I thought about the events that just transpired. Dean had attacked him, overpowered him easily, and as Dean himself would say, 'beat him to a pulp'.

I still couldn't believe that Dean- No. I could. The Mark finally pushed him over the edge, and he slaughtered the Styne (Or Frankenstein) family.

I smile softly in spite of this as I recall simpler times when the 66 seals were still in place and I had just met the Winchester brothers. I remembered how arrogant and stupid I was, and how fragile our bond was, how it would grow into a nearly unbreakable one.

If I could go back and change it all, could things have one differently? I was broken out of my musings by Sam, who had thrown open the door and seen me lying on the floor, covered in blood.

"Cas! Are you okay? What happened?" He asked and then his face took upon an expression of shock and slight disgust as he noticed the dead bodies of the Stynes.

"I arrived just after Dean killed the kid," I said softly, "I tried to stop him from leaving, but he overpowered me as you can see."

Sam crouched down next to me and helped me into a sitting position. I weakly moved my hand up and began healing my injuries.

He looked worried, so I added, "I'll be fine. We need to locate Dean before he does something stupid."

I attempted to get up, but I stumbled and Sam reached out to steady me. "Whoa there," He said, "You need to rest. You look terrible."

I sighed in defeat and muttered, "Fine." Sam half helped, half picked me up and brought me to an empty bedroom.

As I lay there in the bed, I couldn't help but go back to my earlier musings. I wondered if things could have gone differently, if one choice could have changed everything.

As I drifted asleep, I thought about it more and right before I fell into the realm of sleep, I had only one thought in my head.

                                                              Save Dean Winchester


So how was it? Like it? Hate it? Please comment and any constructive criticism, incoherent screaming and wild animal noises are welcome.


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