The Cat is out of the Bag

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Nicole's P.O.V

After he pulled away from that fantastic kiss, I told him,"Mark, can you keep my age a secret from the others? Please?" I give him pleading eyes, because what would the others think of Mark? Him, dating a sixteen year old."Of course I will keep it a secret. Anything for my little baby!" He kissed me on the forehead, then proceeded to ask,"What did BamBam do when he found out?" I really wanted to know. What did Bammie think when he found out his noona wasn't his noona? "Well, I was really sad at the time, because I felt so guilty for not telling anyone, so I was on the brink of crying, so he hugged me...only to comfort me oppa, nothing else I promise!!" He looked a little confused, but I am sure he understood what I meant.

Mark's P.O.V

After she told me how BamBam took the secret, the last thing she said confused. She said,"Only to comfort me oppa, nothing else I promise!" She looks so cute when she is flustered. "It's okay Nicole, I understand what you mean." I say giggling. She seems a little flushed, so I tell her to rest, and when she wakes up I will be the first person she sees. She smiled, and went to sleep. After like, 4 hours of watching her sleep, eating, drinking coffee to keep me awake, and using the bathroom, she finally wakes up. "Hey." She well her hair is curly, but it's kind of all over the place. I get her comb and brush, so she can fix her hair. I actually perfer curly hair over straight hair. I think curly hair can suit any girl. It just has to be done right. She fixes it, and it is 4'o clock. Oh dang it, we have practice in an hour. I tell Nicole,"Hey babe, we have practice in like an hour, so if I am gone, you will know why!" I shoot her a wink, and she giggles a little. I love her so much. I just haven't managed to mean it yet. I am not lying when I say it, it's just kind of hard to truly mean it at this point. After we come back from practice, I go straight to my room and sleep.

Jackson's P.O.V

We go to practice, and when we come back, I eat some rameyeon, and go to my room. I walk in, and Mark is knocked out. While I am checking my Instagram, Mark says in his sleep,"Jackson.....gotta...say......something..." I ask him,"What is it?" "Nicole.......younger......than.....yugyeomie........16....." What?!?! She is only 16?!?! What the hell is Mark doing dating a 16 year old?!?! What the hell?!?! I immidiately get up, and go tell JB. He has to know this now.

Nicole's P.O.V

After the boys leave, I get more sleep. When I wake up, JB, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Jackson are in my room, surrounding. "What did I do?" JB is the first one to say. "What did you do? How about what you didn't do. Why didn't you tell us you are 16?!?!" "What??? How did you find that out? Who told you that?!?!" Yugyeom points to Jackson. "Jackson, I am going to ask you one question. Who told you I was 16?" He was quiet, then he said,"Mark told me." Why would Mark tell him?!?! I trusted him with everything I had for him to keep that secret!!! This is crazy!!!!! I am so done with him!!!!! Ughhhh, I am going to pack up right now, and go live with Van. A few days ago, she said she moved down here. Fifteen minutes later, Mark comes in and asks me,"Why are you leaving?" "Because, Mark I gave you my trust, and you took it for granted. That's why I am leaving." "What do you mean, I didn't do anything!" "No Mark, you told Jackson my secret, and he told everyone else!!!!!! That's what you did!!"

Mark's P.O.V

I don't know why, but I had this horrible dream, and I told Jackson Nicole's secret, and everything went downhill from there. I would never tell her secret to anyone though. I walk in her room, and she is packing her clothes."Why are you leaving?" "Because, Mark I gave you my trust, and you took it for granted. That's why I am leaving." What is she talking about?!?! Her trust?!?! Wait, hold on. "What do you mean, I didn't do anything!" "No Mark, you told Jackson my secret, and he told everyone else!!!!!! That's what you did!!" I ran out of the room, and gathered everyone together, including Nicole. "Okay everyone, yes Nicole is sixteen, and yes I may seem crazy for dating her, but I don't care about age. Hell, some of you can't talk at all. BamBam, what if you found a pretty noona, but she was six years older, you would still go for her because you are attracted to her. It's the same way with me. I don't care about Nicole's age, I still went for her because I am attracted to her. Now, Jackson, how did you find out?" He was silent, then he said,"You told me, while you.....were......asleep." "I have a question then. What makes you think I would tell you a secret so sacred to her?!?! He fell silent again, then I turned to JB."Why would you overreact when he told you how old Nicole is. How old do you think she would be???" "At least eighteen, god Mark, I don't know!!!" "Well, until JB, Jackson, Yugyeom, BamBam, and Youngjae get a girlfriend, shut up and stay out of my relationship." I grab Nicole, and take her down the hall to my room, so we can talk.

Nicole's P.O.V

After he left, two minutes later, Youngjae came in and said,"Mark hyung wants to have a meeting right now Nicole ah." I come down the hall, hoping I don't have to leave. I am zoning out during their 'meeting' Mark is just fuming out. Then I hear him say,"...Hell some of you can't talk at all. BamBam, what if you found a pretty noona, but she was six years older, you would still go for her because you are attracted to her. It's the same way with me. I don't care about Nicole's age, I still went for because I am attracted to her. He is attracted to me. You see people, this is why I need someone like Mark Tuan!!!!! Oh wait, I already have him! Anyway, I want someone who is interested in me and who is attracted to me. And people, that person is Mark Tuan. He finished talking, so he grabbed my and led me to his room. When I shut the door, the first thing he said was,"I am so sorry Nicole, I didn't mean to tell him." I immidiately say,"Look, it wasn't your fault you told him, you probably imagined yourself telling him, and it felt so real that you mumbled it while you were asleep. That's all. Hey, don't be sad. If you are sad, you could cry on my shoulder!" I playfully said the last part, so he knew he was okay with me. Instead, he kissed me. Man, sometimes it feels like my lips are last resort for him. I mean, I don't mind it, I actually really like his kisses. They're.......magical!!!!

A/N: HEY PEOPLE!!!!!!! How are you guys???? I am really liking my story now!! I really didn't know where I was going in the beginning, but now that I am here, it's all just ahhhhh.....:) Anyway, sorry for errors, but know that I love you all!!!!!

P.S. I am making a new story!!!!! It's called,'The Game' I am so excited for it!!!!!

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