No way!!

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Seven flopped onto the couch, groaning. This couldn't happen. He couldn't feel this way about Yoosung - it would get in the way of his mission, and it would put Yoosung in danger. Yoosung sat down next to him, slightly concerned. ''Are you okay..?''

Seven looked up, sighing. ''Yeah.. just tired..''

''Tired? Then you should've gone to bed instead of inviting me over!''

''..But I wanted to be with you..'' Seven realised that may have sounded strange, so he sat up, and looked over to see Yoosung slowly turning pink. ''I-I meant..''

''Thanks Seven..'' he mumbled, looking away.

He was seriously too cute.

Seven thought for a little while, and decided that playfully flirting with him might felt him truly realise how he felt. He moved closer to Yoosung. ''So, I have an idea~''

''What idea?'' He asked, completely oblivious of what he was about to be put through. Seven grabbed his hand, grinning. ''Come with me~''

He led Yoosung to the bathroom, and told him to wait. Yoosung looked at him walking away, confused. Seven returned a few minutes later, holding a maid costume up. Yoosung's eyes widened.

''Oh no.. No way! I am NOT putting that on!''

''..Not even for an entire box of Honey Buddha Chips..?''

Yoosung kept quiet for a while, debating whether or not the humiliation would be worth it. "..Two boxes and we have a deal.."
Seven grinned, handing him the outfit. "Deal!"
Yoosung closed the door, sighing. "Y-You better not take any pictures!" he said, slowly changing into the costume.
He looked into the mirror. "Oh no.. Absolutely not, i'm calling off the deal-"
The door swung open. "You forgot to lock the d-"
The two stared at each other for a moment.

 "You forgot to lock the d-"The two stared at each other for a moment

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"Too cute.." Seven finally managed to say.
Yoosung's already pink cheeks started to redden. "I-I'm taking it off now!"
Seven grabbed his wrist. "W-Wait! Just a little longer.."
Yoosung looked down, trying to move away. "No way..!"
Seven stepped closer to him, lifting his chin. "Hm? Not even for me~"
Yoosung's eyes widen. "I- You- Um.. I guess.."
Seven grinned, letting go. "Woohoo! Let's go!" he practically skipped out of the room, Yoosung trailing behind.
Seven sat on the couch. "Do you wanna sit on my lap~?"
"Wh- N-No! Why do you keep teasing me like this?!"
Seven thought for a moment. "Hm.. because your reactions are just too cute!"
"T-Then I just wont react to anything!"
Seven raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? How about we make a bet?  If I can get a reaction out of you, you have to do whatever i ask for the next hour, and if you don't, i'll do whatever you ask for two hours."
"Really? Fine! You're on!" he crossed his arms defensively, not looking at him.
Seven stood up, coming closer. "This is gonna be too easy.. I wonder what i'd make you do.. hmmm.."
Yoosung stepped back as Seven came closer. He didn't look at him. Suddenly, Seven pinned him against the wall, lifting his chin again. "You have to at least face me~"
Yoosung looked like he was struggling, but he didn't react.
Seven chuckled, "You're really trying to win huh? Maybe I should kiss you.. I wonder how you'd react then.." he whispered, leaning in with a smirk.
Yoosung looked away, flustered. "Fine! Y-You win!!"
Seven moved away, "Woo! I'm so good at winning these things!"
Yoosung groaned. "I'm an idiot.. You wouldn't have done it anyway.. You have a girlfriend!"
"Hmmm.. I do?" Seven asked, looking innocent.
"Yoosung.. At what point did i ever confirm that?"
Yoosung hesitated. "..Oh.."
"Speaking of which, why did you leave so suddenly after" he put up air quotations. "Found out?"
Yoosung sat down, looking away. "I-I told you.. I wanted to play LOLOL.."
Seven raised a brow. "Hmm.. alright then.."
Seven went on his phone, and opened the messenger.

"Seven went on his phone, and opened the messenger

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"You're so mean

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"You're so mean.." Yoosung whined.
"Me? Mean?! No way, I don't see it!"
Yoosung stood up, sighing. "I'm gonna go change.."
"Hm? Did I say you could? Or did you forget that you have to do whatever i say for the hour?" Yoosung tensed up after hearing that. "B-But.."
"Nope! No buts! Come sit with me!"
Yoosung hesitated, but slowly sat back down, this time a little closer to Seven.
"Hm.. I'm feeling nice, so i'm only gonna make you to do two things! One! I want you to stay the night, and two! I want you to watch a movie with me."
Yoosung looked surprised. "Are you sure you want me to stay the night?"
Seven nodded. "I wouldn't ask you to if I didn't want you to silly!"
Yoosung beamed. "Okay! What movie should we watch..?"
"I'll put it on, I'm sure you'll love it.. Just sit down!"
Seven got out the scariest horror movie he knew of and put it on, sitting down next to the smaller boy. "It's a great movie! You'll love it!"
Yoosung seemed to believe him wholeheartedly, and got comfortable.

If only he knew.

Thirty minutes into the movie, a large demon jumps towards the scream, and Yoosung yelped like a puppy. "Y-You never said this was a horror movie!!!"
Seven grinned. "You have to watch it though! If you're too scared, you can always hug me~"
To his surprise, Yoosung took him up on his offer, shakily wrapping his arms around his waist. Seven grinned, adjusting so that they were both comfortable. "It'll be okay.. If you don't like it you can just close your eyes.."

By the time the movie finished, Yoosung had fallen asleep. Seven smiled, picking him up Bridal style and carrying him to his room. "My cutie Yoosung~" he whispered, placing him on the bed. He kissed his forehead, and that's when it dawned on him.

The very thing he didn't want to happen had happened.
His feelings had become stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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