I'm pissed

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If u don't like exo or simply dunno who they are ( u should tho, it's very nice group, nice songs) u can ignore this.


Okay lemme explain if you don't know what is happening or simply just wanted to read without even knowing exo

So, a time ago chen, a member of the boy group EXO told the world he was getting married and he would soon be father ( congratulations for you two ,Chen and wife, for ur little girl, hope all the best for her and your new family)

The news broke into two the fans.
Some fans, mostly koren fans, didn't appreciate the news and started to say shit about Chen and how he ruined everything for EXO and that he should leave the group.

Okay, it's true that he probably broke the contract, I dunno what was the contract saying, that's between him and SM ent, but it hasn't been a statement of SM saying that he should leave, or that he did anything wrong.

Now this fans, Exo-L ACE ( the group that wants Chen out of exo) after a lot of tries to make him leave, by protests and media announcements, did something that rly got me pissed.

Like, just now I saw a report saying that EXO-L ACE raised money for newspaper ads for Chen to withdraw from exo.
This was the cherry on the top.

This is something that I now directly say to all those "fans".

U have nothing better to do?
Listen, if someone ( that is not u) wants to do something ( that doesn't have nothing to do with u) they can.
Does this marriage or this child has anything to do with you? I mean, it's not u that is getting married or is pregnant, or anything like that.
So please, I beg u stop this nonsense.
I know everyone got the right to express/share their own opinions and stuff but do remember that your right ends on the other's start.
It's not because u can't succed in your own love life don't hurt the other than did.
Just drink some water and know your place, You don't have any right on deciding whether a person can be happy or not, nor how they gotta live their lives.
Just take care of your own life.
If u think u are the center of the danm world and that I need to decide every step on people lifes, go find some help, no joke, this can end very bad for yourself.

Again, this is just me being very pissed, I'm sorry if u think like any of those "fans".

Thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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