The Forest Leading To My Doom

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      Dark, misty woods were surrounding me. The air was so thick with moisture, it was hard to breath. It was silent, too silent for a forest. No birds were chirping, no sign of life, only darkness like ink. I stepped forward, wondering where I was. I didn't know how I had gotten here, one moment I had been walking to get a drink while in my dorm and the next moment I was at whatever this place was. My mind was as foggy as my surroundings were, I wasn't able to think straight despite how hard I tried to. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab my wrists and started to drag me through the misty, dark forest. My heart was pounding as a scream was building up in my chest, threatening to escape. I tried to get out of the grasp without success but before long something large and heavy made contact with my head, knocking me out.
   I awoke to see a white room, blinking to try to clear up my vision while rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. When my vision cleared more I saw I was in a room with white walls occasionally splattered with a red substance I hoped wasn't blood, a light pink flooring with darker red spots occasionally on the floor, there was a large chocolate brown door, a table the same coloring as the door on the other side of the room with two chairs, a sheet and what looked to be a stiff pillow in the corner, and a plate of food on the floor near the door. It only contained a couple of apple slices that were a light shade of brown from having made contact with the air, a piece of chicken that seemed to be uncooked and smelled very like it had been left out in the sun for days, and a piece of what looked to used to be bread that was covered in mold now producing an unpleasant stench. The rotten food's smell overtook my sense of smell, causing me to gag from the horrid stench.

   I cupped my nose and mouth with my hand and cautiously made my way to the food. I could see maggots covering the chicken, squirming around. A worm squirmed around on the plate near the apple slices, clearly it had been in the apple before it was served. I felt nauseous, my stomach flipped as I looked at the revolting rotten food. I moved away from the plate and tried to open the door, only finding it to be locked. I thought back to the last thing I remembered, the forest. It was hazy, but I was able to remember that I had been in some sort of forest. Before I could try to figure anything else out, I doubled over and threw up mucus and liquid. I wiped my mouth and scrambled away from my sick and the food. Tears built up in my eyes threatening to spill over and fall down my face. I whimpered as I looked at the two horrid sights, clutching my legs close to me.

   "Why is this happening to me," I asked myself outloud. There was silence for a few minutes before a clicking was heard and a man appeared in the doorway. A dark man with dark, long, shaggy hair, and sharp features was standing there. He had a black tank top on him and was wearing a pair of jeans. He had a smirk on his face as he observed me. Then a name popped into my mind, so I said, "William?"

   "Yes, darlin'?" He answered, a smirk still on his face.

   "W-why am I here...what the hell did you do to me," I screamed at him.

   "Nothing darlin', hm I see you didn't eat your need to eat." He said as he grabbed the plate and started walking towards me. My eyes widened as I repeated no over and over. His smirk grew as he got closer to me and stopped in front of me. He put down the plate and said, "Probably shouldn't feed you that, it'd interfere with my...plans." I shuddered after he said plans. He cupped my left cheek in his right hand, a smirk still on his face as he whispered in my ear, "mm, I'm sure you'll love what I'm going to do to you." My face drained of color as a thought crossed my mind, 'did he mean...' He pecked my cheek before moving his face away from mine. He moved his right hand to trail it down my face, moving his left hand to do the same. I shuddered from disgust at what he was doing to me. But before I could think, I slapped his face hard.

    "Fucking bitch," he cursed, his eyes yellow eyes darkening, showing rage. Before I could blink, he was strangling me. My eyes were wide as I tried to gasp for breath, my hands clawing at his own. "Apologize when I let you go, bitch, or I'll do worse to you now. Trust me, you don't want me ruining my plans. I will though if it's necessary thanks to your behavior." He demanded, letting me go. I held my hand up near my throat as I tried to catch my breath. After a few moments of glaring at me, he asked, "Well?"

   "I'm not going to apologize for something you deserved," I told him. His eyes were a darker shade of gold, so dark you could barely tell it was gold, filled with rage.

   "I'm going to leave this room for a few minutes to get a drink and if you don't apologize by the time I get back, I swear..." he trailed off before leaving the room, locking the door behind him. I was alone in the room like before, only the maggots and the worm to accompany me. I know it sounds pathetic, right? At least the guy, who I assumed was William, wasn't here anymore. I didn't know how or why, but he seemed familiar. Like he was a part of my past that I couldn't remember, speaking of the past I can't remember anything before the forest. When I try to remember farther than the forest, it's like a dull knife is digging into my head. So I was in the room, alone (if you don't count the pests), confused, having a lack of memory, and with a plate of rotten food infested with pests.

   I don't know if it had been two minutes or two hours when the guy came back into the room. His eyes were back to his normal golden color, without as much rage in them as before. The cheek where I slapped him was a light pink, but he seemed to simply ignore it. I was curled up near a corner, the plate far from me and turned over. The maggots and the worm were wiggling around the meat and ground, the food was scattered near the tray, clearly not eaten. "So I see you decided not to eat, but to play with your food. I don't blame you for not eating, but throwing your food on the ground," he paused, clicking his tongue, "that was you just being a naughty girl." I shuddered at his use of words. I turned my head to look away from him but just as I looked at the wall, he had my chin in his grasp. He clicked his tongue before saying, "You're being a naughty girl." I shuddered again.

   "You know what naughty girls get?" He asked me, but I didn't answer. "They get punished." He whispered in my ear.

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