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The air was fresh, and a soft breeze was flowing through an open flap in the tent. It was dark out, but you could see the first hints of a sunrise coming to grace the world with a beautiful morning glow. Taking a deep breath, you savored the taste of the forest air. It was something else, compared to the city, where you usually spent your time. But then you met him. The one who took your breath away from the sheer amount of knowledge he held inside him. The literal genius, combined with his rugged good looks never failed to make you swoon. Meeting him had been the greatest moment of your life. Until now. After you had showed a surprising interest in Mothman, he had asked you to go for a camping trip with him. And that's why you lay there now, on a roll-out-mat, next to Ford.

He was so cute when he slept. It was truly very rare to find him in a state of total peace, but when he was in one, he was like a sleeping owl. So cute, eyes shut gently, neck shrunk down as far as he could manage. His breathes were deep and strong, his body raising and falling along with them. He hands were holding tightly to the pillow his head was on, as though he were protecting his head. And his messed up hair. The fluffiness of his hair is something that no one can describe. The salt-and-pepper mass of hair rested partially in front of his eyes, and partially puffed out, like a dome. 

After watching him for about 10 minutes, you realized how creepy it was to stare at him while he rested. You pried your eyes away from his gorgeous existence and flopped down again, facing away from him. It was still very early, you may as well try to get a bit of sleep while you're lying there.

A hand suddenly snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to the man behind you. A deep sigh came from him. "Good morning, my dear." His voice was still thick and husky from sleep, making his already baritone voice sound even deeper. He nuzzled your hair a bit, and took a deep breath, as you had done when you had awaken. 

You turned around, burrowing into his chest, too overwhelmed with positive emotion to speak. A big, six fingered hand began to stoke your hair gently, making sure there were no tangles. He gently massaged your scalp as his other hand drew you closer. It was like good-bye hug. Deep and emotional, as though he was afraid to let you go. Soon his other hand grasped your hair too, and began to pet you as well, with your face still securely tucked between his defined pectorals. You felt almost like a little puppy, being stroked and pampered by an adoring new owner. 

His hands traveled down your head, gently massaging your neck and shoulders, to release the tension that had built from the long trek that had taken you to this spot. And there you two laid together. No sound but the first birds' songs, and your deep breaths. You rapped your arms around his torso, deepening the embrace, as his hands traveled further down your back. His skilled hands rubbed out all the knots in your back. You doubted you could get a better massage from the most prestigious masseuse that practiced. 

Finally deciding to break the silence you mumbled almost breathlessly into his chest, "I love you Ford." Your words were rewarded with a kiss on the head. It seemed he had decided to stop the heavenly massage he was giving, to hold you in a koala hug. He rapped his legs around you, giving you no chance at escape. Not that you wanted to. This was what you had wanted for longer than you cared to admit. 

Adjusting to be able to see his face, you were surprised to his him without his glasses. Of course, you knew he didn't sleep with his glasses on, but it seemed almost striking to see his eyes, like a sweet honey, completely unobstructed. If you had mobility in your arms, you would have reached to stroke his face. But you were still restrained in a fierce cuddle. 

One strong arm gently pulled away from your back to hold your cheek, gently tilting it up, so that your eyes met. With almost no warning, his lips here on yours, incredibly soft and inviting. You leaned into the kiss, well, as much as you could at the moment. And for that moment, the moment you hoped would last forever, there was nothing but good in your head. There were no due dates. No bills that needed to be paid. No political debate. No anxiety or self doubt. Just love. 

Sadly, the moment ended and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. His eyes darted back and forth from each of yours, with a look you had never seen in them before. "I love you too, my dear. I love you more than you will ever know."

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