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now, i do not write smuts, at all, i hate reading them and i hate writing them. They gross me out and make me cringe and i've only written 1 before this soooo please, if you think it's bad, don't tell me because i already know :)
Brianna asked Aquaria to stay in her room for a little bit so that they could get to know each other a bit more. So far Miz knew that Aqua has 2 illegal tattoos, a cross on her finger and a broken heart on her hip, she loved the colour red, she was one to sleep around a lot but she was ready to start something serious with someone, and she is very much a dog person.
"it really surprises me that you don't like cats considering you're gay" Miz laughed as she stuck a whole strawberry lace in her mouth.
"oh my god" Aqua nearly chocked on the crisp she was eating from laughter.
"what? i'm just saying"
"yeah sure. So now that you know a little bit more about me, tell me some things about you. I wanna know the juicy things though"
"okay fine. What do you wanna know?"
"i don't know, like, do you want kids when you're older? how many, where you wanna live, stuff like that"
"okay. Well, i do want kids, i want 2, preferably 2 girls but if not 1 girl and one boy, i wanna raise them here like my mum did because, i have such a good life here and i want that for my kids, obviously my wife would have to agree to that but i can be stubborn. I don't know much about what i wanna do with my future. I wanna get married, have kids, build a life, i just want to be happy and that's all that really matters to me i guess" Aquaria looked at Miz with a soft smile. "anyways, what else did you wanna know?"
"how was your first kiss?" They both giggled and Miz put another lace in her mouth before speaking.
"horrible. i was drunk at my friend from collages dorm party, this girl came up to me and was all over me for the whole night so eventually we left the room and went out the little smoking area behind the collage and we made out for like 5 minutes until her boyfriend came out and punched me, breaking my nose and then kicking me in the gut. Winded me for 3 minutes and i couldn't breathe, my friend had to come out and help me breathe, scariest moment of my life honestly" Miz always treated that as a joke because it was just funny to her, not really knowing why but it was.
"holy fuck. How long did it take for you to start breathing again?"
"well no one would help me for about 3 minutes after he kicked me, and then it took 6 minutes for my friend to get my breath back so almost 10 minutes, but the last 3 minutes i could breathe but they were really slow and uneven breaths but still breaths."
"fucking hell, at least she got you to breath again"
"true" they chuckled. "did you wanna know anything else?"
"was your first time as crazy as your first kiss?" Brianna went quiet and looked at the sheets. "miz you okay?"
she did nothing but nod, hoping Aquaria would take the hint. "wait. Are you a virgin?" Miz squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment and nodded her head slowly. "hey look at me" she did so and Aquaria smiled at her. "why are you so red?"
"because it's embarrassing"
"what is?"
"being a 17 year old virgin"
"that's not embarrassing what are you talking about? not everyone needs to have sex Bri. But if you don't mind me asking, how come you haven't had sex get? Surly people would've wanted to, i mean look at you" Miz blushed and chuckled, looking Aquaria in her eyes.
"i wanted my first time to be with someone i actually liked, and i didn't want to be drunk, i wanted to remember it. But that person has never come around. People have wanted to but i didn't and they left me. But at this point i think i'm open to doing it just to get it out the way"
"See Bri, that's nothing to be ashamed of, that's beautiful. But, if you really want to just get it out the way, i could always help you" Miz snapped her head up and furrowed her eyebrows i'm confusion.
"excuse me?" she asked baffled.
"if you want to just get it over with so that you can say you've done it, i'll help you" Miz just sat there with her eyebrows knitted together in confused.
"as in...?" she paused. Aquaria chuckled and nodded.
"but why?" Aquaria was seriously freaking out right now. Miz was so fucking cute, especially when she was confused.
"because, i personally don't feel like you have to, you shouldn't do something just because, but if you want to then i'm more than happy to help you"
"are you like, are you being genuine?"
"yes Miz, i'm being genuine" Miz took a deep breath and looked at Aquaria a little more serious now.
"o-okay" she muttered.
"i didn't hear you"
"okay" she spoke a little louder.
"okay? are you sure?" Aquaria placed her hand on top of Brianna's to which made Bri's hand tingle.
"i think so" Miz answered more confidently.
"okay, cool. We don't have to right now, we can wait till you're ready" they smiled at each other and Miz became a lot more confident than she was a second ago.
"i'm ready" she stated.
"are you sure?"
"positive" Miz's confidence was turning Aquaria on a little.
"okay" they both took a deep breath and looked at each other. "i wanna go through something first okay?"
"it's my colour system. It's my way of knowing where you are and how you're feeling"
"smart, what does it go like?"
"pink is you're good, green is i need a break, yellow is permission to try something if i ask, orange is faster/harder and red is stop. Have you got it?"
"i think so"
"repeat it"
"pink i'm good, green i need a break, yellow permission to try something, orange faster/harder and red is stop" she repeated.
"good. Now, ready?"
"we can stop whenever you want okay, if you forget the colours just say what you need and if you need a safe word tell me"
"i don't think i'll need one"
"then we have nothing else to discuss" neither of them really knew where to start. Aquaria has had sex before obviously, but this was Brianna's first time and she wanted it to be good, and she actually liked Miz, she didn't want to mess it up. Brianna knew this is what she needed, and she was glad her first time was with Aquaria. She wanted this, no, she needed this. She needed Aquaria. Now. Without even thinking, she jumped at Aqauria and smashed her lips onto hers, holding her face tightly and moving their tongues in sync. Aquaria put her hand on Brianna's lower back and laid her further up the bed on her back so that Miz was below her. After a while of kissing she made her way down Brianna's neck, leaving soft kisses on it, attempting to find her sweet spot. She moved closer to her jawline and finally found it, Miz let out a small moan when she sucked it and put her hand on the back of Aquarias head. Aquaria made her way down Brianna's neck until the reached the neckline of the t shirt Brianna was wearing. She pulled the top off Brianna's body and disgraced it beside them. Aquaria kissed down her chest, making sure to leave little red marks as she did so. Reaching Brianna's bra, she palmed her left one through her pink lace bra. Aquaria wrapped her arms behind Miz and unclipped the bra, pulling the straps down Brianna's fair arms and throwing it somewhere in the floor, not bothering to check where it landed. She connected her lips to Brianna's left nipple and swirled her tongue around it, causing a quiet moan to escape Brianna's rose coloured lips. The sound made Aquaria swirl her tongue faster and play with the nipple in her right hand. After toying with her breasts, Aquaria began to his down Brianna's stomach, holding her at the hips. Usually Miz would be insecure with her body so open like this but after talking with Aquaria outside, she felt like the most confident girl in the world. She reached the top of Bri's bottoms and she looked at up Miz for reassurance, to which Miz just nodded and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and smiling. Aquaria chuckled and started to pull Bri's pants down her legs, pulling her matching lace thong with them. She pulled them all the way down her legs and threw them in the same direction of the shirt. She was now faced with Brianna's wet pussy and Aquaria cussed under her breath. She softly nipped at the inside of Brianna thighs, teasing her and still holding her hips. Brianna's thighs were almost closing together and Miz just needed Aquaria so she moaned to try and get her to speed up.
"colours baby" Aquaria mumbled against Brianna's thigh.
"p-pink" she stuttered.
"tell me what you want princess" Aquaria made sure to give her the first time she's been waiting for, but she still wanted her to be comfortable.
"you" she spoke breathily.
"your wish is my command" Aquaria finally pushed her mouth against Brianna's clit and sucked on it slightly, making Brianna's back arch and a muffled moan to fall from her lips.
Brianna spat out cuss words over and over again, the occasional 'Aquaria' and 'oh my god' coming out too. Aquaria moved her tongue around her clit and moved her tongue in and out slowly.
"o-orange, please ugh" Brianna moaned. Aquaria did so and paced her movements a little faster, making even more sinful sounds leave Brianna's mouth. Aquaria stopped sucking on her clit and carefully slid in one finger, Brianna's back arching off the bed even more and her eyes squeezing shut.
"is here a colour for oh my fucking god?" Aquaria chuckled and slid her finger in and out slowly in a pattern.
"i guess blue"
"blue fuck" Aquaria added another finger without warning and a loud moan came out of Brianna's mouth. She covered her mouth with her hand, still squeezing her eyes shut. Good luck trying to come up with a lie for that one Aquaria thought. She pumped her fingers in and out in an even motion until Brianna breathed a 'yellow' as loud as she could which to Aquaria wasn't very loud at all. Aquaria obeyed and quickened her actions. Brianna grabbed onto the sheets below her and bunched them up in her fist, squeezing so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Aquaria then added one more finger and connected to her lips to Miz's clit again, sucking on it while pumping her fingers faster in and out of Brianna's body.
"oh fuck- Aquaria i'm- fuck"
"use your words baby"
"i'm, fuck, i'm really close"
"do it princess" Miz did so and came on Aquarias hand, to which Aquaria pulled her fingers out slowly and helped Miz ride out her orgasm, licking Brianna's juices (i'm fucking cringing so hard rn) off her slender fingers and getting back up onto the bed breathless next to Brianna. Both girls laid on their backs just looking up at the ceiling, trying to catch their breath.
"that-i, you're really good at that" they chuckled.
"i hope so"
"i like you. a lot" Aquaria turned her head to look at Miz, Miz turning hers too. Aquaria didn't answer, she just connected her lips with Brianna's and smiled. "i don't expect you to do anything about this, you were a friend helping a friend but, you're gonna be living with us for a while and i didn't want to keep that in the whole time" Brianna rushed.
"Bri. I like you too, a lot" Miz smiled happily and let out a breath. They kissed once more and Miz sat up, putting on her bra which had fallen off the bed, wrapping the throw at the end of the bed around her waist.
"why are you putting that around your waist?" Aquaria asked as she watched Brianna pronounce around the room.
"because i'm naked Aquaria" Miz chuckled, still looking for her clothes.
"and?" Aquaria answered cheekily.
"you're such a dork. Where the fuck did you throw my clothes? i can't find them"
"i don't actually know, i just threw them and didn't really look where they landed, i was too busy"
"oh shush and get up to help me find them" Aquaria rolled her yes playfully and got up off the bed, walking beside Brianna and laughing.
"you're blind as a bat my love" she walked to the corner they were standing by, picking up her shorts and t shirt and holding them up so that Brianna could see them.
"oh, hehe sorry" Brianna blushed. Aquaria walked over to Brianna and passed her the clothes.
"i'm going to get changed and use the bathroom, i'll be back in a sec" she pecked Miz's lips quickly and walked out the room. Brianna kind of just stood there with a stupid grin on her face, pulling her clothes and and sorting out her hair and wiping the sweat off her face with a towel she used for her shower earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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