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the next day luke sat with me at lunch because calum skipped. i guess he felt bad for me. turns out we have four out of seven classes together. that's kind of good. 

"hey ash, can i ask you something?" luke says to me.

"yeah of course." i mumbled, not looking away from my drawing.

"do you know about that michael clifford kid?" i look up at him. was he talking about THE michael clifford? the one that bullies me?

"um, yeah,  i do. why?" i ask him.

"well i think that i might have a tiny little crush on him." he whispered.

i stare at him with my mouth gaped open. how could he like him? what does luke even see in him? michael is terrible, just terrible. was i jealous? no, i just met him. but i just wished it was me instead of michael.  "oh, thats great." i go back to my drawing.

"hey, are you okay?" he says curiously.

"yeah im fine, luke." the bell rang. i got up, picked up my drawing, and walked away without another word. but i did hear luke yell something to me.

"ashton! the drawing looks great!" i smiled as i walked away.

i took a nap after school. i always do before i go to work. some people might think that naps are for toddlers, but when you get to high school, naps will be your best friend. i come home to an empty house, as usual. my siblings are at afterschool care, and my mom is still at work. work starts at 6, which means that i have three hours to sleep. i set my alarm and drift off to sleep.

when i woke up, it was 6;48. i slept in, did my alarm not go off? i check my phone, but when i hit the home button, nothing happened. i forgot to plug it in before i fell asleep. "shit" i cursed to myself.

i quickly throw on my uniform and dash out of my front door after locking it. 

ten minutes later, i finally got to the bookstore. my boss, mrs. bogg, waiting for me at the front table, "you're late, ashton." she said

"i know. i'm so sorry, ma'am. i forgot to plug in my phone, which had my alarm to wake up." i said, nervously.

"ashton, this is your seventh time being late this month. why are you always late? you know what, it doesn't matter because you're fired." she said in monotone. 

"mrs. bogg! i can make it up! i'll never be late again! please?" i beg.

"i'm sorry, but no. grab your things and leave."

i ran back to my house with tears running down my face. that was the best job i've ever had. actually, it was my only job i've ever had. i get to my yard to see that my mom came home early. 

"hey honey, why are you home so early, and why are you crying? she asked me.

"i was fired because i was always late." 

"late? why were you late?"

"well, my phone died which had my alarm on it."

she smiled and took my hand. "come on baby. lets go watch a movie to get your mind off of things."

"okay wait. so tell me again what all happened yesterday." calum said.

"well first, luke told me he had a crush on michael. then-"

calum cut me off. "luke? the boy you're drawing? you like him?" he asked.

"well, i told him that he's beautiful, and we talk a lot. so i guess i've developed a little crush on him." i frowned.

"okay but on michael? out of all the guys, michael?" calum whisper-yelled.

"i know! oh, here he comes. don't say a thing about it."

luke walked up to us with a smirk. "ashton, you know how i told you that i have a crush on mikey?"

"mikey?" calum whispered to me so luke couldn't hear. i elbow him to shut him up.

"y-yes." i stutter.

"well i asked him out and he said yes!" i smiled.

my heart dropped then and there. how can this happen? my crush and my bully, together. as if anything could get worse.

"yes? he always bullies me because i'm gay!" i yelled.

"well that's the thing. it's a secret. he said if the secret came out, he would beat me up." he frowned.

that's when calum came in the conversation. "wait. luke, that's not a good relationship. you need to break up with him!'

"well if i wanted to, he said he would beat me up slso if i broke up with him. but i don't want to."

"well that just made it worst! i'm gonna need to talk to him." calum said while tempting to walk away, but was blocked by me and luke.

"no calum, if luke wants to be in this fucked up relationship, then so be it. we will stay out of it." i said, quietly. 

"thank you, ash." luke smiled.

its hard to see luke and michael together. me and calum have gotten very close with luke. so everytime we hung out, michael was there and they always act like a couple, even though they are. i just hate it. i should be happy for him. but that just can't happen. they are always kissing, and holding hands, and whispering. i always try to hide my frown. this is going to be hard to get used to them.

okay well, thats the first chapter. yes, i know. already drama in the first chapter, but its supposed to be like that. i hope everyone stays with me throughout this story. i hope you guys like it. i actually hope i like it too haha. 

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