Ch 21: the attack part 1

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I'm so sorry for not updating motivation is completely not on my side for this book. T~T

Also, I've decided to call Splenda and her students the "Silent Soarers" as an easier way to refer to all of them (like a group name). I'm going to go back through the book (again) and edit that in along with a couple other things before I get to the next chapter. 7/12/20


No One's POV

Splenda tosses and turns in her bed, sweat rolling down her face. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she whimpers and mumbles in her sleep. She suddenly shoots up from her bed, tears in her eyes, trembling uncontrollably. She looks around the room and turns on a lamp next to her bed. She breathes in deeply, trying to calm herself down. "No..." she says in a shaky breath. "Not now... it's... it's too soon!" She gets up from her bed and exits her room. She makes her way over to her elevator. She takes the elevator up to the level floor of her house and walks over to her front door, opening it and stepping out into the cool summer night.

She takes a stroll through the sleeping village and through the jungle she's walked through a billion times now. She finishes walking through the jungle and finds herself on the other side of it, now on the beach she's trained her students on for many years. She watches the waves crash onto the shore, and the trillions of stars dancing around in the sky. "How long, until you die out, little ones?" She asks the stars in the sky. She sighs as the wind blows through her silver hair. "I thought I'd have more time..." she says.

The night progresses and soon the stars in the sky begin to fade, but she does not move. Streaks of color begin to creep their way through the various blues painted across the night sky, yet she still just stands in the same spot, watching time flow by. And soon, the sun is visibly seen rising above the horizon to greet the day, a painted silhouette of her which casts a shadow on the cold sand.

Lloyd POV

"What the-?!" A voice sounds from the doorway. Kai and I stop what we're doing and we whip our heads to the doorway to see Jay standing there in complete shock. He turns on the lights in the room after Kai and I have shoved each other away, trying to find an excuse for what he's just seen. But right now, we're mostly just panicking.

"J-Jay, what are you doing here?!" Kai asks him.

"I-I was just looking for Lloyd to tell him Splenda and the rest of the Silent Soarers are starting to head back, but..."

I start to panic. Jay saw us!!!! What will he think?!?! I'm not ready to come out yet!!! I've always known I never liked girls, and I've had a few crushes on the boys in the village, but I've never told ANYONE about me being gay, not even Katie!!! What if Jay hates me after this?!? What if he tells the others?!? What if THEY hate me?!? Oh no I'm so done for!!!

"You two are... gay?!?" He says louder than I wanted him to. In a panic I grab Jay by his gi and I pull him in the room, slamming the door after him.

"You cannot tell ANYONE, Jay." I warn him.

"Listen, we're kind of new to this..." Kai explains, stepping in as I try to contain myself. "We just started dating like, a week and a half ago."

Jay stares at us in disbelief. At first I think he's going to reject us but then he says, "Guys, why didn't you say anything? Especially you, when we're you going to say you were gay?" He says pointing to Kai.

"First off, I'm bi, and second, like I said, we're new to this." He says back.

"Also... we've never told anyone." I say sheepishly.

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