Chapter 2

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Hashirama woke up in a white void confused, before he remembered he'd been dead. He thought bitterly, even if he said his goodbyes to his brother and wife, it still pains him that he wouldn't see them again. At least not yet. 

Hashirama stands up from his crouched position on the floor and stretched his limbs. Where is he? The void stretches on forever, an endless maze of frustration of never reaching the end. But he supposes he could at least try, with slight hesitance he moves his feet and walks. And walks. And walks.

Sinking his shoulders in and sagging his body down, the air of depression falls over him. Its vertical dark purple lines hanging around him, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

'Why do I even try there even a point to go on anymore?' Hashirama thought with a sigh. Why did he go on a 3 hour trip into nothingness? He now knows why Madara calls him a dumb fool. Madara...


Madara died too...

Hashirama bounced up back, and sparkles replaced the sunken mood from earlier. This could mean he could finally reunite with his childhood friend, he thought happily, before it got replaced by regret because he had killed the man. Knowing Madara, he would hate him because of that.

But Hashirama didn't have a choice in that decision, either let Madara live to kill an entire village of people. Including the man's own clan, the Uchiha, and his clan, the Senju, or kill Madara and let the village of their dream survive. Hashirama chose to kill him and save thousands of people.

But maybe he could find him and reconcile their friendship, starting with Hashirama's deep apology. But how was he supposed to call him? Hashirama furrowed his eyebrows in thought until a lightbulb lit up. He could call for him, and maybe just maybe his spirit would hear him and appear.

The man in red armor dramatically took a deep breath and cuffed his mouth with his hands.








Hashirama's body stilled, his muscle tensing, his body suddenly covered with a pressure he never felt before. Chakra had a similar pressure, so he knew by life experience, that the stronger your chakra is, the more it affects the life around you. People are very sensitive to it. But... this pressure was not Madara...

"So you finally noticed" Hashirama swung his body around so ridiculous that he almost kissed the floor because of the heavy pressure on him. The unknown man snorts before relieving his pressure. Which dampens Hashirama's mood further, "it amuses me to see you catcalling your best friend."

Hashirama gained a red face from embarrassment, slid into his familiar stance, and lunged at him. The man lifts up his hand with the palm facing the long brown-haired man. Hashirama was slammed into the ground without ever being touched, shocking the long-haired man.

"Now that we're seated, let's talk about your reincarnation situation," Hashirama picks his head up to stare at the white-haired man, who sat there on the ground. He never heard him even move, surely the clothes he wears would have made a sound.

Hashirama is dumbfounded, what was he talking about? Reincarnation? This man is pulling his leg. Hashirama didn't know how to respond, so he said, "...Wha...?"

The unknown sighed exasperated, gripping his temples. This brown, long-haired, pathetic guy is supposed to be the quote on quote 'God of Shinobi'. At times like this, he wished he stayed in bed.

"Now let's begin," the man stated, ignoring the gaping man.

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