in the hotel rooms, away from the prying eyes

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"I never knew it would feel like this
But now that I do, I just want you to kiss me again"
~ 'kiss me again' by great caesar

There's nothing better than a day off, Louis muses, as he steps out of the shower and into the hotel's pristine bathroom suite. Correction, he thinks, as he exits the bathroom and takes in the sight of his half-asleep boyfriend —one arm propped on the end of the couch, the other lazily scrolling through who knows what on his phone— there is nothing better than a day off locked in a hotel room with his boyfriend.

They had arrived from Brazil late yesterday evening but by the time they had gotten through security and baggage reclaim, then the car journey from the airport to the hotel, it had been well into the early hours of the morning. The tour was going well but their schedules had been crazy busy.

However, they were now in the UK and faced with downtime, partly to allow them to adjust to the time difference and rest but mostly, just the way they had lucked out and had nothing booked till later on tomorrow afternoon. All of the members had pretty much agreed that sleep was their number one priority so here they were somewhere past midday only just having woke up.

Leaning against the door frame with nothing more than one of the hotel's soft white towels wrapped around his waist, Louis watches Harry tilt his head at whatever he's looking at on his phone. He chuckles to himself at the soft, confused look on his face. The noise gives him away and the confused look morphs into an even softer smile as Harry realises that he's been watched.

"What you looking at?" Louis asks, a slightly teasing tone in his voice.

"Right now? My favourite thing in the whole world."

"Thing?" Louis quirks an eyebrow as if offended.

"That's what you took from that? I was trying to be, you know, all-encompassing— you're my favourite person, my favourite everything."

"You're so god damn cheesy."

"And you love it. Love me", Harry scrunches up is nose in that way that just makes him look ridiculously cute.

"I think you're ridiculous."

"Ridiculously sexy?"

There's an eyebrow wiggle.

"Well I was going with cute but I think I'll refer back to my earlier statement and stick with cheesy," Louis rolls his eyes playfully.

And Harry actually pouts.

"Oh, stop it. Next thing, you'll be talking in a baby voice", Louis warns.

Harry opens his mouth and is quickly cut off as Louis gives him a look that says —'don't even think about it', and starts waving a finger at him.

"No fun, Louis," he goes back to pouting.

"I'm gonna ignore you if you're gonna be a big baby...", he pushes off the door frame and makes his way over to the couch until he's stood over Harry, their knees touching. "So, what were you looking at that had you all..."

He waves his hand in a circular motion in front of Harry's face. Harry laughs at his gesture before tapping at his phone and turning it to show him. Louis copies his earlier head tilt, first one way and then the other before shrugging in surrender.

"Exactly!" Harry exclaims, thankful he isn't the only one clueless about the image on the screen.


"Nick, this time," and with that he tosses the phone unceremoniously to the other end of the couch where it bounces and falls to the floor.


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