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We arrived in the ghost town, fog stretching for what seemed like miles. "The fog is getting thicker and thicker... It's not even 3 PM yet. Let's just stop somewhere for a bit." Joestar suggested. We arrived in Enya's graveyard town.

"Hold it guys. Before you do anything potentially embarrassing," I paused, glaring at Joestar. "There is an enemy here. The fog is the stand." I said, with a serious tone. Jotaro glanced at me, while Kakyoin and Polnareff gave me wary looks. "If you see a small old lady, she'll invite you to her bed & breakfast hotel. Let's go there, I assure you we'll be fine. Follow my lead." I finished, before shuffling on ahead into the fog. 

"You think we can really trust her?" Polnareff whispered, huddling with the group. "I mean, she correctly predicted everything with that car. I'd say we're fine, and can rely on her predictions." Kakyoin reasoned, while Jotaro let out a hum of agreement. Joseph nodded, and the group broke up to follow her. Soon enough, [name] found Enya. She glanced at the group, before speaking. "Are you travelers? It's dangerous to take a car in this weather. I own a hotel... If you don't mind. You can stay there for the night. I'll give you the group discount." She said, giving Polnareff a look. "Hey hey! Finally, someone normal!" He played along. We followed Enya, as 'people' shuffled around us, trying to act normal. "Come, come! That's my hotel over there, Mr. Joestar." She motioned at a big, extravagant looking building. Jotaro tensed up at the mention of 'Joestar', along with everyone else. When her back turned, I started to play charades. I made it look like I was writing names in a book, then shook my head. Everyone except Polnareff caught on, so I whispered in his ear. "Don't use your real name when you go to check in." I said, as quietly as I could. Sure, Enya's old, but that's not gonna stop me from being cautious.

- Time skip... -

We wrote the wrong names down, and I dragged everyone into my room. Once everyone was seated, I cleared my throat.

"Okay, everyone. So, that old lady is named Enya, and her stand is named Justice. It's a fog, and if you get the slightest injury, she can turn that into a gaping hole. Once you have an injury and a hole, she can use that fog to loop through that opening and control you like a puppet." I looked at Polnareff, who seemed pensive. "Polnareff, this lady... Is the mother of the man who murdered your sister. She didn't take the death of her son very well... and wants to kill you first. Whatever you do, do NOT go searching for the bathroom." He seemed to tense up immensely, sweat trickling down his forehead. "Do you know how to beat her stand?" Joestar asked, scratching his beard. "Jotaro will use Star Platinum to suck up the air, effectively choking her." I glanced to Jotaro, who raised his brow. "Sure, but one thing... Stay out. The old man and I will go after the hag." Jotaro growled. "And... Take your weird device back." He tossed me my phone, which I caught shakily. "Thanks..." I mumbled, slipping it in my pocket. "When we're safe again, we want you to explain why you have that. It said the year 2020." Joestar added, before walking away. Jotaro got up, opening the door. Polnareff got up to go after them, but hesitated. "Kakyoin... Stay with her. Maybe help her with her stand." He said shakily, before closing the door behind him. 

I sighed, Kakyoin was looking at me strangely. "What is it?" I half-whispered, laying back in my bed. He shifted awkwardly in his chair before speaking. "So... The device..." He began. "You mean my phone?" I held it in front of him, turning it on. "What does it do?" He asked, poking the screen. "I'll get to that part when I can charge it..." I mumbled. He nodded hesitantly, he's probably nervous or something. "Okay... So, you can instinctively summon your stand when you feel like you're in danger. I'm going to summon mine to attack you, alright? Stand up, and head to the opposite side of the room." I agreed, stepping in front of the closed door. "I'm going to launch an emerald at you, try to deflect it." He took a stance, summoning Hierophant. I stood awkwardly, hands in my coat pockets. "Okay, launch it." I told him. 'Okay... Focus on deflecting it, alright? One... Two...' I didn't have time to react before his stand launched a singular emerald barreling toward me. I flinched and closed my eyes, hearing it hit the wall right next to my ear. I heard a gasp, so I immediately opened my eyes. I looked around the room, seeing nothing next to me. "Where... is it?" I asked slowly, studying Kakyoin's face. 'Pretty eyes... Such a nice shade of violet... Shit, focus-' "N-No... Next to your head..." He stammered, pointing at the wall. I slowly turned my head to the right, seeing the emerald he launched slowly dissolve in front of my eyes. A white gloved, purplish-cyan arm held the gem, black glossy claws scratching the surface. I couldn't speak, I felt glued in place. After the hand crushed the emerald, my stand emerged fully and stood in front of me. 

"Nice to meet ya. Call me My Chemical Romance, or MCR for short, sidekick."

She looked so... bizarre! Her skin swirled shades of pinks and purples, mixed with cyan. Her head and face looked very similar to Killer Queen, with black glossy spikes adorning her entire body. Metallic thigh-high boots enveloped her legs, topped with more spikes. She looked like... the 80s dream.

She smirked, and struck a pose:

"So, aren't you gonna ask me what I can do?" She placed her clawed hands on her hips, staring at me

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"So, aren't you gonna ask me what I can do?" She placed her clawed hands on her hips, staring at me. 'HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! MY STAND LOOKS SO COOL!!! Okay... Calm down...'  Blinking in surprise, I nodded eagerly. "Alright, have a seat!" She said excitedly, picking me up and placing me on a chair. Taking a few steps back, she took my phone. "Needs charge, eh?" She smirked, prodding the charging port with a claw. "Watch closely." She floated to a nearby outlet, and stuck her finger inside. "Bzzt! I can transfer electricity to the battery without damaging it!" The percentage on the screen climbed rapidly, from 5% to 70%. "You control electricity?" Kakyoin asked, observing my phone some more. "Non, non! There's more to me than just that." MCR proceeded to rip the leg off a wooden chair, tossing the broken chair to the side. "Woah woah, what are you doing?" I had shot up from my seat, a bit nervous. "Don't worry about this stupid hag's furniture. You know it's not even hers anyways." Putting the broken chair leg on the floor, she placed her fingertips on the wood. Amazingly, the wood started breaking down and separated into every component that made up the structure. She even extracted the fucking wood varnish!

"Ta-da! I can control matter, as well as waves. You know alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist? That." She struck a pose, sticking out her bright green tongue. "Anyways, the group downstairs is almost done. I'll come back soon~" She winked, just before disappearing. I froze for a second, before falling to my knees. "Hey! [name], are you okay?"

A/N: Yeah, I drew the stand. Cool, huh?

MCR is an alchemical stand, controlling the chemical makeup of anything she can touch. That can include the air, or stuff like light waves. Yeah, she's extremely powerful, but lacking in durability.

 Yeah, she's extremely powerful, but lacking in durability

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The potential is infinite because she can evolve the intensity or complexity of a chemical reaction. Her power is A, so she can cause some serious destruction. If she can't chemically break down something, she'll punch the hell out of it! With a range of 10-15ish meters, she can further expand her chemical onslaught. 

Without the proper materials, she cannot create objects. Anime logic doesn't work with her, so equivalent exchange is what she lives by.

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