# . 002 .

36 2 26

hanahaki disease au
hero toga au

you and toga were
hanging out , talking
about your favourite boy
band , y'know ,
as you liked to call
' girly ' . but
toga seemed to
love talking about this
certain group , so you
decided to go along with it .

you liked seeing your
childhood best friend happy .
it made you happy .

" y / n , you're so
funny . . you're
like the funniest person i
know , you should be a
comedian instead of a
hero , you're too funny - ! "

it was all fun and games
until toga covered her mouth
with her hand , running off
out of sight as she
rushed into the nearest
girls bathroom on the
floor she was on .

toga ran into one of the stalls ,
luckily , she managed to
lock the stall behind her before
falling to her knees and
throwing up ( soulmates
favourite colour and type
of flowers ) .

the flowers were
mixed with blood and
saliva as they came from the
body and mouth .

" n - . . not
a - agai . . again . . ! "

toga yelled to herself
as her lungs felt like they
were on fire due to the
petals of the flowers.

{ тαgѕ }
{ ask to be tagged ! }

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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