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It was 3:00 am, Romania was in a child's bedroom on their closet, Waiting for his moment. He crept out of the closet slowly trying not to make a noise, he finally got to the child.

Baring his fangs he bit into the child's neck but then suddenly he felt a weird sensation as he sucker the blood, he started shaking he let his fangs go and fell onto the floor! He didn't know what was going on he couldn't get up!

The child woke up and screamed to the sight of some pedo vampire!

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Sealand screamed,


England ran to the scene and recognised Romania.

England called the hospital as fast as he could, Sealand poured milk on Romania but it didn't have any effect!

Romania woke up in the hospital, England and Norway sitting beside him.

"Are you alright?" Norway asked with no facial expression as always. The nurse came in the room. It was America dressed in a nurse outfit. "America!?" England shrieked.

"I can wear what I want dude! My body my choice!" He yelled back

"So anyways" he continued, "Yo you got diabetes!"

"I what??" Romania said

"I said you got diabetes dude." He continued.

"You somehow got some diabetes infected blood inside you or something."

"What happened?"

"Well apparently you snuck into a 12 year olds' room trying to give them a hickey-" America began.

"UH WHAT?! PAUSE IT!" England yelled,


Nonce; a term for pedo in British slang

"It's not like that!" Romania yelled waving his arms.

"Yeah dude you're getting arrested," America said.

"YOU CAN NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" Romania exclaimed running up to the roof top.

"Well... There he goes..." Norway mumbled.

Moral of the story; don't uhhhh I don't know actually. The end.🤧

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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