Crazy Female Servants

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(Male reader) unless you like gay stuff you can also pretend this is male ritsuka which it is kinda based upon)

Y/n is going crazy not from all the work he has to do but from all the female servants wanting to be around him


You usualy didn't mind being around your servants but they were getting more and more touchy lately which really disturbed y/n for some reason so after a crazy long day it was only natural for you to enter your save space your room

That was untill you saw some saber faces waiting in front of your door. Lucky for y/n they didn't notice as you quickly walked away as fast as you could the other way entering a random room on your way a room nobody really used except well... Gilgamesh maybe he wasn't here?

"Shouldn't you go to your room and rest master of Chaldea? Rest is a important thing you know we can't rely on a sleepy master."

Y/n stoof there in silence listening to the caster gilgamesh who signed soflty

"Sit here and tell me all about it"

"W-what do you mean t-there is nothing wrong well... not really."

"Sit" the King comanded a bit more strictly y/n listenend and sat beside the King getting really nervous

"Tell me what's bothering you before i get bothered for you disturbing me while working on important matters"

"I just.. well there's allot of servants here now and i like them i really do they are like family but lately the girls are just being so weird around me..."

"Isn't that a good thing? A man would love to be surounded by beautifull women what's bothering you"

"It's just i.. no i know there shouldn't be something wrong but..." a faint blush appeared on your face the King was silent maybe he already knew what was wrong

"You know.. i should go i don't want to disturb you with this it was Nice talking to you bu-" y/n quickly stood up trying to make a break for it

"Stay" his words commanding yet something else was there making y/n skip a beat before slowly sitting back down

"Look at me" y/n slowly looked up straight in to his beautifull bright ruby eyes blushing he tried to look away again but not before gilgamesh grabbed his cheek with one hand forcing y/n to look at him

"I said look at me y/n" 'he.. he used your name your real name!'

"I wanted to ask if you liked men instead but it seems the awnser is 'quite' obvious" gilgamesh said smirking

"N-no! I don't like men either i mean i just like y-...! Wait no... I mean.." gilgamesh's eyes went wide open a blush slowly spreading across his cheeks

"I'm sorry... I really should go" you stood up walking away surprisingly Gilgamesh didn't try to stop you as you did, opening the door and going to your room which was luckily not surrounded by anyone anymore. You did come across ozymandias and archer gilgamesh though and  archer was the one who eyed you a bit weirdly luckily they had left you alone.

It really was time for a nap after today....


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