Prologue - Hourglass

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The wind was crisp and hot, both could feel the ominous winds speaking the unknown tongue of the desert, an almost dead tongue only the eldest could dare pronounce and interpretate.
" It's brewing a long one "  - said an old, decrepit white-eyed woman as she walked pass the two boys sitting on the scorching sands covering the street.

"Food, p-please" the older begged as his eyes barely managed to stay open due to the heat and immense light that refracted on the white hills surrounding the city.
The old woman searched within her clothes just to shrug without even trying to look back at the boys whose fate seemed already doomed by the white desert, as this was a common an almost routinary scenario for those who had no family, no wealth.

"I'm hungry L-leus"  the little one said while trying to pronounce his brother's name properly as his dried and wounded lips failed him
"don't worry Raas, we will find something to eat soon, just let me try it one more time alright?"
Leorus replied, trying to stand up as his eyes searched for anything that looked "edible" enough.
"there's got to be something around h-"  his speech got interrupted as a snake serpent' ed his way out of a creek on the wall both brothers were laying against, drawn by the rumbling and growling of the brewing imminent sandstorm which shadow was already casting over the city

"Raas, here! " Leorus screamed while leaping at their prey, His little hands quickly wrapping around the creature's neck, and as quickly as he held against it, snapped its neck before presenting such improvised meal to his brother, whose eyes could only glimmer with the last bit of fire that seemed to be lighted up just by the most primitive of instincts, Hunger.

"See?! I told you I would find something br-..." Thud!

 Leorus was suddenly lying cold against the now barely warm sand as his little brother spectated with a terrifying look at the figure that had projected its shadow over the pair
"A-ach" - Leorus struggled as he managed to stand up while turning around to face his attacker, just to find himself at the end of a Rapier's blade. Leorus could feel the cold steel resting against his jugular vein, so delicate, yet so dangerous.

" You , or him... "  The person said with a deep dominating tone of voice, three words, three words that represented so much weight to bestow upon a 6 years old boy, a boy that despite his age, had no trouble, and spent no more than half a second before knowing that he had to sacrifice himself in order to save his sibling.

" ....." Leorus could do nothing but point at himself while turning around, smiling at his brother...

knowing that this was the best he could do, to give his life in order to protect Raas from anything, and so he closed his eyes, waiting for the cold kiss of the steel run through his body, and end it all.



Leorus had just been played for a fool, as it was not a sacrifice the thing that was demanded, but an offering of shelter, food, and safety. An offer given by no one else but the Assad, the City's master assassin, a title that only belonged suitable in Shrurath, as in other nations the title could not be fit for weaklings like kings, queens nor presidents.  The Assad had to know how to defend his country by hands, with weapons, with his tongue, and blood, he had to be fair, yet cruel.

And the Assad had just given the first of what would be many, painful lessons to Leorus.

"Nothing will ever be as we first interpret, not even the falling sands inside an hourglass, my child."

The words burned within Leorus' mind as he saw his little brother being engulfed by the white sands of the storm as he was carried over the Assad's shoulder in his horse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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