Drabble 1

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I'm dying.
Sinking deeper in to a void.
A void, an abyss, yet one that enclosed so much emotion and hysteria that would put the world itself to shame.
I pushed up, with all my remaning strength-will, even- and caught one last glimpse of the night sky..
How endearing...
I smile in acknowledgement and content as I let the ever-growing weight of my clothing claw at my skin, grip it with more might than my fading consciousness could comprehend at the time. It dragged me under, plunging me in to a hazy mix of green and blue hues. I was dying. But I was content. I couldn't help feeling any different. For the sight I had seen, if this was the moon upon which you had gazed from the night of when you had stolen not my gaze, not my heart, not my words, but your own and those lies that have soiled your heart and made it sombre and guilty of no reasoning. You believed them, my love, And it had cost you your innocence and my mind; but, if this moon upon which I had merely caught sight of amongs my dying gasps was truly the one you gazed upon in your dying sighs, then I am happy.. and I cannot help but feel glad, you died on such a wonderful night, such a beautiful sight to be your last...
I gasped, taking one last heave of bacteria and infestations and fungus as I plunged to the depths... but was it of the water... or of my mind? I could not tell.

I let out an exasperated gasp, beside me was a small, frail girl, innocence and ages above me, "I-" I could barely find the words that were ringing in my head. My mind stated the simple, but my heart, as always, tugged at my nerves and made it oh so much more difficult. For there was no way, were no words ample enough to express my guilt and the excruciating feeling of dishonour raking my body.
"Ah?" She sung, unintendedly in perfect harmony juxtaposing my negative atmosphere enough to expell the feelings but not enough to exterminate the doubts. Was I being true? I collected what remained of my heart and mind and peiced hem together with glue, it was going to fall apart, but it's enough to steady myself for the moment.
"He died thinking I was human.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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