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Elia approached me at the end of our first day of high school. However, she was not the first to make contact, that was me.

It was a mistake, or so I thought it was.

She was a very odd girl; she was known as the quiet girl who sat at the back of the classroom whose presence was never there. Everyone knew of her, but nobody could really remember her ever being in the same place as them.

Our classmates all talked about her, but nobody could remember talking to her directly.

Nobody ever talked to her directly.

Until I asked Elia a question directed at her and no one else. It happened at the end of our first school day of High School, we were in our classroom, just the two of us.

I was seating in the second row from the front, she was all the way in the back.

She was staring at me.

She kept staring.

She had been staring at me all day. From the moment we made eye contact when I entered the classroom this morning, she had not left her sight off me.

Classes went by.

Math, she stared at me the entire time. Economics, she did not pay any attention to the teacher, she just kept staring at me. Even during our lunch break, her intense stare pierced my back, I could not finish my food knowing someone with murderous intent was behind me pointing their scope directly at my head.

She did not eat any of her food, she just laid her head down and stared at me.

The only times her eyes averted my back was when I was in the bathroom, or when we changed into our P.E clothes. Other than that, her gaze was fixed on me.

What made me fear her more was the fact that no one else noticed her looking at me. even during normal classes, the teacher would have called her out to pay attention to what they were teaching, yet no teacher ever tried to scold her for not focusing on her studies. She was obviously looking at me, not making an attempt to hide it, yet, somehow no one noticed.

I began to question my sanity. Was I seeing things? After asking some classmates about this mysterious girl, they all knew who she was, but they could not recall seeing her today.

After hearing this fact, I was scared.

Scared because I could see her.

I could see her sitting in the benches staring at me, as I was talking to my classmates about her.

The day continued and ended, the final bells rang, all students on the school premises left. Except Elia and me.

I didn't go home

I didn't want to go home.

I stayed sitting where I was, tapping my table, trying to forget the girl who was looking at me from behind.

I forgot how long we stayed in the classroom for, it had yet to get dark, somehow it felt like we were there for hours, but when I checked the clock, only five minutes had gone by. I did not know how much more of this I could handle.

It wasn't like me, but I had no choice. I took a deep breath, without looking back I asked her, "Why are you staring at me?"

I didn't hear an answer, instead, I heard the scratching of metal on the floor followed by footsteps. Elia approached me, she grabbed the chain in front of me, turned it around, and sat in front of my desk. "Because you can see me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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