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"Sarah, you know you don't have to stay if you don't want to." I said, sitting down in a chair in the corner of the room. "No. I don't want to. If you need to go I totally get it though. I don't know if you and JJ have made plans to pull a gun on my brother tonight or anything." "Seriously Sarah. You want to go there." "I mean, not really but why not." "Can I ask you, did he tell you why we got to the point where we had to do that?" "No." "Of course not. Well, the first time, he was beating the shit out of JJ and John B so JJ pulled out the gun to protect himself. And then when I did it, Rafe was about to choke JJ to death." "Really." "Yeah. And your little douche bag of a boyfriend was doing the same thing to Pope so I pointed it at him too. I just figured I should tell you the whole story so when you go blabbing to people, you know the whole thing." "What makes you think I would do that?" "Kie told me you aren't great at keeping things to yourself." "Really. That's your move. Forget trying to know someone, let's just go with the opinion they have formed off of one side of a story." "So far it seems pretty true." "OH my god." She said rolling her eyes.

We sat in silence for a few hours. Both of us hoping John B would wake up soon so it would stop being awkward. "Ugh, fine, I can't stand the silence anymore. I'm sorry I said anything." "It's fine. I escalated it." "Can we start over?" "Sure." She said. "So, what on Earth is Kook Princess Sarah Cameron doing with my big brother in the Hawks Nest besides giving him the plat map." "Living outside of he bubble wrap." "What?" "My entire life was planned out. Than an opportunity came up where I could help him and I could live a little. It turns out, living a little is fun. Especially when you are doing crazy shit with a cute guy." "I know the feeling." I said with a laugh. "Yeah. What is going on with you and JJ. Are you guys a thing?" "I'm gonna be honest with you because I am suddenly having a very good feeling about you. I don't know what the fuck we are." "GO on." "Well, it's super complicated and the root of all our problems is lying in that lovely hospital bed right there." "Oh my god! The brother doesn't want his sister dating his bad boy best friend. It sounds like the most ridiculous story ever." "It really is." "We have time. Spill."

I told her everything. I don't know why,but in that moment, I just felt like I could trust her. Plus, in the end, she was super understanding about it all and told me to get real with him. "If you want to be with him, don't let John b get in your way. You guys clearly like each other and you shouldn't let him get in the way of that." "Wow, that's really good advice." "Thanks." "So, tell me about you. Are you with Topper and my brother?" "No. No way." She said laughing. "Topper is already so far in the rear-view." "So what happened. You guys seemed like you really loved each other." It was her turn to be honest with me. She told me everything that went down with her and Topper and her and John B. We talked the rest of the night, about ourselves, our lives, and John B.

The next morning, we were just sitting around, both very tired, when all of a sudden, John B started to move around and opened his eyes. "Where am I?" He asked. "Saint Olive's." "You have a concussion and a broken wrist." I said walking over to his bed. "You fell from the Hawk's Nest." Which one of you was the one who was the first one to walk out of here in raged?" "Neither of us. We had a rough spot at first, but we got over it. We actually had a great talk, Vlad." I said, messing with his hair. "You and JJ. I swear." I looked at Sarah and we both started laughing. "What?" "Nothing." I said, with a smile. "Okay, well, I need to get out of here." "Not so fast." Sarah's dad said, walking in the room. He began telling John B how he was sorry about everything and how he is so thankful that he was there to protect Sarah. Then, he made his big statement, he offered to be John B's legal guardian. He had already talked to me about it and I told him that was fine, but I still want to live in John B and I's house. He kindly agreed but said I had to come over at least twice a week for dinner and so he could check up on me.John B wasted no time in accepting the offer. "Your sister said she was okay with it too. Only, she'll be staying at your old house. You are welcome to join her. And if not, we can have a room ready for you at Tannyhill in two seconds." "Will you be good if I go with them?" "Yeah. JJ'll be around all the time so I'll have someone looking out for me." "That's not the most reassuring thing to hear right now but it works for me."

"Bye guys!" I said as the Camerons and John B drove off. I saw that the van was back at the house and I saw JJ's bike propped up on it. I quickly jogged inside and found JJ sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. I crawled onto the couch and laid down next to him. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me. "Good morning sleepyhead." I said, kissing his cheek. "Are you ready to give this a chance?" "What!" He said, slightly shocked. "I'm tired of all the bullshit and the stupid rules. I want to be with you. And I think you want to be with me. SO why don't we just say fuck it an go for it." "Who are you and what have you done with Gabbie." "I'm someone who is wondering why you try to fight this every single time." "Because I'm stupid." "Stupid cute." I said, putting my hand on his cheek and kissing him. "Did you accidentally take John B's pain killers?" "Nope." "So you are serious." "Yes." "Do you know what you are signing up for?" "Yes. I know you aren't prefect and you have flaws. But it doesn't matter to me. I want to be with you, good times or bad. Is that not what you want?" "No. It is. I just want you to be sure you know what you are getting yourself into." "I do. And it's okay. So can we just stop talking and make out?" "Yes." He said, a huge smile spreading across his face as out lips collided.

Outer Banks ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now