chapter two.

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His father convinced him to cut grass that summer. He wanted to spend his summer working at the record shop, but his father was convinced it didn't make him enough money and kept him out of the sun- which were two things no one could stand on a man according to him. So his father bought him a lawnmower and sent him knocking on doors in the neighborhood early in the morning when it was still cool and the adults of the house had yet to leave for work.

House after house he received numbers from clients with high yards, and unprepared he wrote them down on his arm with a pen the little old lady at the first house gave him. He had reached his last house with the intent of heading back home after with a full arm and the knowledge the the sun was about to fully rise. He knocked on the door with the same arm full of ink and swiftly wiped the sweat from his forehead before letting it fall to his side. Before he knew it the front door opened, and a tired eyed girl sat on the other side of it with a toothbrush dangling from her lips and toothpaste surrounding her mouth. She cocked her head to the side and let off a small smirk at the confusing sight if the boy.

The blue ink from his arm bled onto his forehead, which he was completely unaware of.

"How can I help you," her eyes shifted repeatedly from his forehead to his face.

Harry was caught in a trance at the sight of her tired doe eyes. He could feel his own widen and his cheeks flush.

"Can I mow your lawn?" His voice shook and he quickly realized his mistake,"no, wait, I mean-" he was interrupted by a snort and giggle from the messy haired girl," I'm going to start mowing lawns for the summer and I was wondering if you were interested," he collected his thoughts in embarrassment.

A smile still stitched onto her face she peered back into the house and then back at the boy," I mean, you'd have to ask my parents" she shrugged," not my lawn" she began to close the door.

"Wait," he placed a palm on the door. She opened it back up, taking the toothbrush out of her mouth, raising her eyebrows in question. He could only stare at her blankly. He had nothing to say. He just wanted to look at her.

"Yes?" Her eyes darted in confusion from each of his eyes to the other, and the question was tainted with frustration.

"Can you... maybe get your dad or mom to come out?"

"My dad's getting ready for work, he'll be out in a few," he could hear dress shoes clacking down the stairs deep into the house, he peered behind her, anticipating the man's arrival. As he made his way to the door where the two stood, the man buttoned and folded his sleeves and straightened his blazer. He placed his hand on atop his daughter's head and kissed her just below the extension of his thumb and index finger. He then peered up at Harry and quickly walked by him.

"Sir?" Harry's gaze followed him as he walked down the steps of the porch.

"Yes?" the man's question was tainted with frustration just like his daughter's was.

"I'm going to start mowing lawns this summer. I was wondering if-"

"I already have someone doing that, son" the man continued to walk down the stairs.

"I'm doing them for free," he blurted out," My dad says I need a reason to me out in the sun anyway so it's a good excuse," he let out a nervous laugh with his ramble.

"Really?" the man's brows raised and he sounded a bit more interested in what the boy had to say.

"Yes, sir," Harry knew this was a lie. And he couldn't tell why he told it.

"Alright, Elizabeth," that's it... That was her name," could you give him out number?" he continued down the steps and made it to the bottom," I love you, I've got to get to work."

Harry turned to the girl, and she quickly turned back inside and closed the door and he stood in confusion. The door quickly opened and she held a folded piece of paper between her index and middle finger. She held a baby wipe in the other hand.

"Thank you," his voice was almost a whisper. She quickly swiped his forehead with the baby wipe and showed it to him and his face lit up with embarrassment. She reached for his arm and held the paper the his chest.

"Write the other ones on these. This one, though," she unfolded it,"is just for you though" she let out a smirk and her cheeks tinted ever so slightly. 'Elizabeth' was written out with a heart dotting the 'i' and her number below it," we have landscapers. He probably just wanted to get you out of here," she laughed," you can come by and observe them if you like."

"No," he gripped the piece of paper and stared at her in awe," I mean thank you, but I've got no interest in this stuff," he shrugged and tried to escape the girl's gaze," but, um," he let out of breath out of nervousness," thank you."

"No problem... what's your name?"

"Harold- Harry," he quickly corrected himself.

"Okay, Harold-Harry," she smiled,"call me sometime."

He spent every Monday and Tuesday of that summer mowing lawns, every Wednesday and Thursday at the record shop, and every weekend he could with Elizabeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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