damn, youre kinda cute

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Heres your second chapter you wanted.

Shigaraki's POV

Shigaraki sighed. He didnt want to let his emotional side get the best of him, but you somehow made him feel some type of way. He sat down in the chair he had so he could watch you. His mind started to wonder into some places as he stared. (I'm sorry for this) 'What if I could wrap my hand  around her neck and pin her to the wall?' 'What if i took all of her clothes off and-' Shigaraki quickly snapped out of his series of what ifs just as Toga and Zyh (my oc) had burst through the door.

(Uh oh, a plot twist I see.)

Toga gave him a glare as she knew what he was thinking about when they walked in. "Who's this?" Zyh asked looking down at your still unconscious body. Shigaraki got and walked over to Zyh. He snaked his hands around her waist and grinned. "Ew stop making babies in front of me!" Toga said covering her eyes. "Come on Z, let's go play!" Toga said trying to rip Zyh away from Shigaraki. Bad time to mention, but Zyh is Shigaraki's girlfriend. Zyh calmly kissed Shigaraki and walked off. "Hurt Z and your blood will be on my hands!" Toga threatened and walked off. "Tch. As if." He said and sat back in his chair again going back to his thoughts.

A few hours later

Your POV

You groaned as you woke up to people yelling outside the door. Your hands were untied but there was nowhere to go but that door. You were scared to open it so you sat there watching it as the yelling got extremely close. "That's it then, we are over!" An unfamiliar voice yelled as the door opened. "Fine then." Shigaraki said and closed his door. He turned around to see you. "I'm sorry princess, did I wake you with that noise?" He asked kneeling down in front of you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. You had a short temper but his was shorter. He started to get mad and wrapped his hand around your neck, picking you up and pinning you to the wall. He kept one finger off because he wasnt trying to burn you, but at this point, get a taste of you. You two were so close which put you in a mood. But your face showed that you were terrified. "Damn y/n, you're cute when you're scared." He said as his eyes were now a darker shade. It turned you on more but you weren't gonna risk it. Just then, shigaraki slammed his lips onto yours. "Fuck y/n, I want to know how all of you tastes, but I want more than that." He said leaving you in shock.

Hey babes and brats, I know it's short but I havent updated in three months so heres is that chapter you wanted. And I had my discord chat help me write some of it so please dont think I'm a terrible writer. Anyways, thanks for reading I'll try and update a little bit more. Also, if you want to join my discord I'll put the link in my bio on my profile.


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