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In, out, round and round, her thoughts stuck in the mud of her mind
Left, right, up and down, she was wishing she had ended it all that night
One, two, a bottle of rum, empty on the floor
A broken mirror, crimson-stained, shards surrounding the girl.

Bloody skin, shard in hand, reaching to a wrist
Freezing just above the flesh, warm blood underneath
Should I do it, should I not, what has life come to be?
She doesn't know, nor does she want to.

Ophelia runs through her head, her death a tragedy
Would her's be? Would her family cry over her grave as Ophelia's did hers?
Would her Hamlet, the one she loves, act the same as Ophelia's? 
Would her Hamlet even know?

Or would he be like Romeo, and kill himself in her arms
Would he be like Romeo and refuse to live without her
Oh would he taste the sweet poison on his lips and lay down next to her
Ready to be her Romeo

Thoughts continued to wander, soon reaching the sun
Oh she was like Icarus, ready to fall
The wax was melting off her wings, skin beginning to burn
Oh, how she thought about how she would free fall.

Banging on the door she didn't hear
Blood spilling on the ground like tears
Voices yelling out in fear, oh, how she wished she couldn't hear
It all turned out as they feared.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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