In the hallway

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I almost outed myself again, I really need to stop doing that. Stop trying so hard to get wat you want. Because we all know that's never going to happen. I walked down the hallway to go to the spot I always sit down to take some time for myself. I took my earbuds out of my bag and put some music on. Lovesong by The Cure was playing. Sad lovey dovey music always helps me through the day. It doesn’t make me feel sad, but it makes me feel different. I can’t really describe it but it sure is a mood. I sat down in the corner next to the vending machine nobody ever comes to. These students seem to have something against the healthy bars you can get from this thing. The people here always find a way to piss me off or trigger me and before I lose my temper I always return to my comfort zone. I turned up the volume and reached for my bag. I took out my sketchbook and flipped through the pages. Some old drawings I did back in first grade and some more recent works. The old ones kinda sucked though, all they were were some vague anatomically incorrect drawings of some characters of tv programs I used to watch. Thought I could say that I made a lot of progress during my time in school. All the little  sketches I drew during class paid out. I continued skipping through the pages until I saw her. I stopped and stared at it. I gently followed the lines of the sketch I made on the paper without smudging it. I sighed. Her smile was so soft, just everything about her came straight from a fairytale. Way out of my league, and well… I know it’s not smart to fall in love with a straight girl. But every time she smiled at me in the hallway I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. She acted differently around me. Like I wasn’t the monster that I really was. Her halo was different from the others too. But my horns never fitted in here. Although I wasn’t the only demon around here. Us two species just kind of separated in this school, like the two gangs in West Side Story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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