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Maka POV

"HURRY UP SOUL", my god you take longer to get dressed than a girl does!?, I lectured at Soul."Shut up Maka your lecturing is not cool, at least my sense of style is way cooler than your's", Soul said in his most stubborn snowball head of his! My brain was already melting by stupidity of hearing Soul keep saying how everything has to be cool in order to live the most best life."I have had it with you and your stupid "so cool" terms like seriously you and black star act like children sometimes!

Soul had finally got out of the freaking restroom with his stupid sense of style, and to make matters worst his dumb same smirk he makes everytime he knows I'm upset! "Come on let's go before were late Soul" I said as I headed towards the doors.

I was already outside on the streets when I turned around to see Soul's face stuffed in Blairs big boobs. Damn that cats gets on my NeRvEs!  "SERIOUSLY SOUL WHAT THE HECKS WRONG WITH YOU". "WhAt DiD i Do WrOnG", Soul tried to say in his annoying innocent voice like he didnt do anything wrong. (He uses that voice alot if you hadn't guessed it already) Soul had already had a nose bleed while walking outside with a "Your just jealous look" spread across his face.

"What the heck was that look for",man the nerves he has. "Ha, listen Maka your just jealous that Blair has bigger boobs than you do, you know because your flat like a pancake, Soul said while smirking and walking away. By now I would've looked like those cartoons with smoke coming out of their ears everytime they got upset, well this was one of those times and I wasn't gonna let Mr. Pervert Snowball ever talk about my boobs, so I got out my book and......MAKA CHOP!!!!!! Right over his stubborn stupid pea brain<Evil grin> "Ugh I hate when you do that", Soul said probably half dead. <another evil grin>

I turned around walking away satisfied when I see a girl standing on the DWMA stairs looking at the view then turning away. I have never really noticed her and wondered if maybe she was new?... "Hey Soul you see that girl on the top on the DWMA stairs , does she look familiar to you"

"How the hell should I know, Psh like if would ever pay attention to the girls in this school and anyway how the hell can you see from all the way from up their, I cant see crap".  Ugh whatever useless like you always are, anyway "COME ON", before were late "Snowball" I said knowing it would probably get his pea brain attention if I called him a delicate snowball...hehehe. "HEY COME BACK HERE MAKA"!!!!!

Authors Note

Yes, I know it was a small chapter but I really felt lazy today since Its currently 2:20 a.m on where I'm at, but I promise yall shall see more tomorrow. And before I forget like my freaking star or else I swear on satan I'll eat you in your sleep and that also counts If ya dont follow me....

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