Some importance

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While writting this book I do not want to offend anybody so please don't get mad about my opinion on these topics. Really the book is for everyone to enjoy all I'm doing is talking about random things, thats why I called it Let's Talk Random.

But anyways back to what I was talking about I also want you to excuse my grammar and my english because yes I do live in America and Yes I know how to check for grammar errors but sometimes a girl gets lazy and all a girl will do is upload the chapter. I will take request if you guys want me to talk about a secrtine topic and sometimes I will upload my own topics I want to talk about and also some of the tags I have are because I'll talk about those topics.

Wove ya all hope you enjoy this random things I will complain/talk about but anyways let's get this show on the road!

Copyright own by crazymonkey12456 copyright date 2014

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