Chapter 1

47 3 3

Word count: 1704

So usually most girls during the beginning of the story would say they absolutely hate their parents. But I actually don't, In fact I love my parents. I'm home alone most of the time because my parents are lawyers and are barley ever home, so I spend a lot of time to myself. When I get bored enough I sometimes walk to the book store down the street and look for a nice dirty book, for a girl that loves her dad it's a little odd that I have a daddy kink, no daddy issues. but I don't know i just love it. It makes me feel tingly when I read that stuff. I have started a new book recently and jeez let me tell you that shit gets me excited.

"Violet!" That's my mother, her and my father just got a new business deal from what I understand

Annddd did I mention I love lollipops. It's not a full on obsession, I just have a liking to lollipops. Specifically strawberry, it's the only flavor that I like

"Coming!" I yell back rolling my eyes as the strawberry flavored treat in my mouth gets smaller and smaller as I suck, Lessening and withering away with every moment it stays in my mouth. I walk down the stairs to see my mother and father in the kitchen fixing what looks to be some sort of pasta that I'm sure I probably won't care for. I'm a picky girl.

"Our new neighbor mr. Styles is coming over for dinner tonight" my mother mutters, not sounding the happiest. "Also there's something we need to talk about before he gets here violet" my body tenses and my palms start to sweat, I'm sure they don't notice as I'm pretty good at hiding my feelings. "About?" I don't particularly like when people say they "have something we need to talk about", I'm not one to be shy but when it comes to confrontation and things like that I don't feel the greatest.

"Me and your mother have to go on another business trip" my father seems a little sad. I'm not sure why this is very normal. "Ok, isn't this why you guys always do?"

"Violet, we will be gone for 6 months" I didn't know how this was going to go by myself for 6 months, I love my parents but I'm fine being alone. I've had a lot of practice.

"W-when do you guys leave" there's uncertainty in my voice when I speak. How am I supposed to be alone for 6 months. I may be 17 and I can take care of myself but still, I like being alone but maybe not that alone. I think everyone feels that way in a sense.

"Tomrrow morning, that's why we wanted to have a dinner with our new neighbor. He will be checking in sometimes while we are away."

"Thought you might want to meet him get used to his style"

"Uh, ok. When is he coming" As I say that I here a loud knock on the door

Confident are we?

The knock sounds confident and it oddly gets me a little excited to meet this "mr. Styles" I like confidence. It's one of the many things I take a liking in, along with dominance.


Harry's POV

As much as I love children I'm not excited to "babysit" some girl I barley know for 6 long fucking months. Who am I kidding I hate kids. She better be able to take care of herself

My hand reaches to knock on the door, I don't think of myself as the handsomest man in the world but I certainly know I am not ugly. I am confident.

The door swings open and I am met with the brown eyes of a little girl

"Where are your parents sweetheart?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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