Just Deal With It

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        it's been awhile and for that i apologize. I made this chapter extra long so enjoy

At the sound of the dial tone, Cyn angrily flings her phone across the room. This 'partnership,' if it could even be called that, had barely begun and already she felt sick. She was about to be swept into Erica's twisted world and there was no way out of it. The Latina sighs sadly, willing herself not to cry. She doesn't bother retrieving the most likely cracked phone, instead Cyn makes her way out of her room, and out to Mary who had yet to wake up. God, Cyn would kill to be in that state right now. To be in a state of complete unconciousness, oblivious to the outside world.

"Mary, babe wake up." gently shaking Mary's shoulders, besides the gentle twitch of her nose the girl shows no sign of waking up anytime soon. Realizing this cyn sighs and decides to let her friend be. Mary. Another topic of conflict, the shit she was about to be involved in was way to messy for the girl. Cyn didn't need anymore of her family being brought into it. Although she knew if she ever tried to bring this up with Mary the stubborn Latina would be as difficult as ever. Cyn was beginning to feel sorry for herself, and that was a no no. Growing up with her father, she had learned from an early age, that there was no time to feel sorry. That if life had dealt yo a shit hand, you needed to buck the fuck up and deal  with your problems head on, and so, that was what she was going to do. Especially if it was going to save her mother. With that in mind Cyn gets up and goes to get ready.

At 9:50pm Cyn is dressed in a dark green leather dress. A pair of red bottoms adorn her feet, and her hair is pulled back out of her face. She  stares into her bathroom mirror and gives herself one final pep talk. "Everything is going to be fine, mami's going to be fine. You're smart, you always have been, you'll  find a way out." Cyn takes a large breath to stop the tears that are no doubt coming. The feeling of hopelessness coming back tenfold. Her thoughts are interrupted by the loud buzzing of her phone. It's a text. From Erica. "I'm downstairs." It reads, nothing more. Sighing for what must be the millionth time in the past few hours Cynthia grabs her purse and phone and exits her bathroom. She leaves a note for Mary so the girl doesn't worry and walks out the door.

When she exits the apartment building, a black SUV is parked on the street, a man, who Cyn recognizes as one of Erica's guards, stands alone outside the car. As Cyn gets closer the guard opens the door. Erica is nowhere in sight, or so she thinks. As she enters the vehicle, a shadow in her peripheral causes her to yelp. It's her. She's seated across from Cyn, a cocky smirk on her face. She's dressed in a versace sweatshirt, a leather skirt, and bright red heeled louboutin anke boots. Her hair pulled into a tight high pony. She looks stunning but Cyn would never admit that aloud. Instead of responding to Cyn's jumpiness, Erica hands the younger woman a folder, much like the one that held the  information on her mother,  which terrifies her, atleast until she opens it. Pictures and documents on an unfamiliar man fall out. "His name is Richard Trowers, in the streets he goes by rich dollaz, he's a snake and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. But unfortunately, he's higher up on the foodchain than me, and before I can take him out I need his contacts, I need shipment names and locations. We're meeting him tonight...." Cyn interrupts, "You're gonna gain his trust, then kill him." Erica smiles, looking impressed. "Exactly." Cyn realizes she should feel a lot more disgusted with this plan, seeing as the woman plans on taking a human life. But, she doesn't and that scares her. Maybe she was cut out for this after all.
"What do you need me for, you've got it all figured out."
"I need you to tell me what you see in those files that can be used against him, how to go about this, how to make all the smart moves. Plus it doesn't hurt to have a beautiful woman on my arm." She finishes with a suggestive smirk, and Cyn can't stop the tinting of her cheeks. She looks down flipping through the papers. "There's nothing here Erica." As she says this something catches her eye, suspicious bank statements. Cyn contemplates not showing Erica. Just to be a spiteful bitch, but then it crosses her mind,  the sooner Erica gets what she wants the sooner she'll leave me alone. It was time to prove her worth. "Wait, look at this."
Fifteen minutes later the car comes to a sudden halt. "We're here." A guard comes around to open the door. Erica steps out first and turns to help Cyn out. She pulls the woman close, "consider this a test, you've passed for now, but it isn't over. You did good just now but, if you fuck this up you can kiss your mom goodbye." She leans back and flashes a dazzling smile, before leaning forward and planting a kiss on the corner of Cyns mouth. "So be good okay?" Cyn glares, hatred written all over her face as Erica steps away leading her towards the entrance of a high class night club. As she follows she has to remind herself why she's doing this. "For mami." She repeats in her head over and over again.
The interior of the club is stunning. Elaborate chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings, plush couches, platforms with beautiful women dancing. Much better than the one she works at. Like the night they first met Erica's presence is enough to turn heads, everyone clears the way. And by association Cyn is getting some looks too. Though Erica ignores them and leads her on to a expansive balcony littered with tables and plush arm chairs. There are a few people seated and drinking. As they get closer the man from the photos sees them,
"Mena!" He shouts garnering some looks but no one dares say anything. Rich stands meeting Erica halfway and pulling her into a hug. He steps back.

"I see you looking sexy as always." Erica giggles and its so unlike the woman she's known for the past twenty-four hours or so, she can't help but stare.
"Oh Richard." She playfully hits him on the chest, Cyn scoffs completely disgusted with the display, causing rich to notice her,
"and who is this lovely lady?" Rich grabs her hand and plant a kiss on it, it takes all her might not to pull it away.
"Not so fast Richard." Erica says stepping infront of Cyn, blocking her from rich.
"Her names Cynthia, and she's mine." Rich gives Erica a questioning look wondering if that means what he thinks it does. Sensing this Erica smirks,
" I told you before dick, pussy it doesn't matter to me." Rich lets out a full belly laugh.
"In that case let's see a kiss." Cyn scoffs again,
"I'm not here for your entertainment." This time Erica laughs,
"easy mami, he was just fucking around. Now did we come here to stand around or talk business?" Rich's smile returns and he leads them towards the table. As Cyn sits she takes note of a few of Erica's guards scattered around that she hadn't  noticed before
"She really doesn't trust him." Cyn thinks.
"So miss Mena what can I do for you?"
"I want to be partner's."
She says, straight to the point.
"Oh yeah? And why would I be down for that?"
"Because you need me. For awhile now you been looking like a cornball in these streets, no one takes you serious. With me you won't have tha problem anymore. I know what needs to be done and im not afraid to to do it."
"Ain't that the truth." Cyn thinks as she listens in.
"You gotta admit we work great togetha." Rich nods,
"we'd be the most feared and the most powerful you can't tell me that's not what you want.." Rich seems to consider, then he begins to chuckle and his chuckles turn into full blown laughter. Erica looks confused then furous. "What the fuck is so funny?" Rich has calmed down enough to talk. "You must think I'm so fucking stupid Mena really. How fucking dare you. You think I  don't know you been plotting against me since day one? You don't run shit  Mena i suggest you rememba dat." Erica looks murderous, but before she can speak Cyn cuts in. "In the last year you've wired hundred of thousands of dollars to an account in miami. The name under the account was Samantha Trowers, we did a little digging and it turns out bitch dollaz is married, with a kid." Erica looks delighted, "i already had some of my men sent over you do what I say and they'll be fine." Cyn lets out a sigh of relief as Rich agrees. Erica makes him ditch his guards and he leads them to his office which is right above the club. Once all the information is handed over Cyn is actually kind of proud of herself, they did all thisb in one night and no one got hur-
Her thoughts are cut off by what is unmistakably a gun. She whirls around and there stands Erica over Rich's bleeding corpse. The younger Latina lets out a choked sob.
"Nice doing business with you." She hands the gun to a waiting guard and turns  toward Cyn. "What's with the tears. You did good."
"He gave you what you wanted, you didn't have to kill him?" Erica laughs a humorless laugh, and walks past Cyn. "He got what he deserved. Let's go."

That night after Erica dropped her off. She did something she hadn't done in years. got down on her knees and begged God to get her through this.

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