Detention with Professor Snape

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Disclaimer: I own nothing! It all belongs to the wonderful and extremly talented J.K. Rowling! She of course owns anything noticeable (besides my plot) and should be noted as one of the most amazing writers to have graced our presence!!! I love you Jo! Thanks for creating this wonderful world in which my mind runs wild!


Omg. Omg. Omg! I have to be in detention in 5 minutes! I'm nowhere near the dungeons!!! The bat will kill me if I'm late! I'm to young to die! I'm still sooo innocent! Well if having a perverted mind is innocent. Um. Shut up I'm still INNOCENT!!!

As I dashed to Professor Snape's classroom I couldn't help but wonder what my punishment would be. Hmm what if he asked me to....... NOO!!! No fantasies! Not about the greasy dungeon bat!!!

I stopped just in time to keep myself from slamming into his door. Yeah that might of hurt a bit. Not to mention it would have embarrassed the crap out of me!

I quickly straightened up and made sure my clothes were in order. Oh and no I didn't dress up. I'm just wearing my school outfit. Well not the cloak. Oh and my tie is hung loosely around my neck. I hope he won't mind! (Note the sarcasm.)

I moved forward towards the door, feeling as if I were walking into the arms of death, before raising my hand and knocking gently on the door. This was it. No turning back now. (Not that that was an option.)

"Enter" I heard his silky voice say with slight annoyance.

Oh no. What did I do? Am I in more trouble? I hope not. It was with that final thought, and a deep breath, that I entered quietly and closed the door behind me.

"Your late Miss Lovegood" he said without even looking up.

Of course! I'm late. No wonder hes annoyed! I would personally be pissed myself.

"I'm sorry sir I wa-"

"You were WHAT Miss Lovegood? A dunderhead? A evil little menace? A daunting little witch that was making out with some idiot little boy? Or were yo-"

"NO!!! I wasn't MAKING OUT!! Nor am I evil or a menace!" I screamed at him while staring him straight in the eyes.

Wait... When did he look up? Or more importantly, when did he STAND up?

"Regardless your LATE! I demand that you give me an explanation!!! NOW!!!" He shouted back at me with a snarl and a glare.

"Well if you would have let me explain FIRST without jumping to your stupid little conclusions yo-"

"DAMMIT JUST TELL ME LITTLE GIRL!!!" he roared while moving quickly around the desk and towards me.

I quickly backed away. Okay he wins this time! I'll tell him, but next time it WON'T be so easy!!!

"Sorry SIR! I-I-I-I was-s um I was with u-u-u-um I-I-I" I couldn't help but stutter, I mean he looked PISSED and he was still coming CLOSER!!!

"SPIT IT OUT LITTLE GIRL!" he screamed and advanced even further towards me till my back was against a desk.

"I WAS WITH PROFESSOR LUPIN!!!" I screamed with panic lacing my voice.

That made him stop dead in his tracks. Of course he couldn't really come any closer considering his body was pressed against mine and his face was only a mere inch away. Oh my gods. What a position to be in with my Professor. If someone were to walk in.... they would think this was more than just having a mad teacher shoving a student against a des-. Oh wait... Thats still pretty bad.

"You were with LUPIN?" he asked coldly.

"Yes sir" I said back in a cautious voice afraid that it would anger him further.

He stared at me for a bit before moving back and snarling while looking me up and down as if he were looking for something. Suddenly his head snapped up to my eyes and his eyes burned with anger.

"Where is your cloak?"

Where is my cloak? Really? Why would he even ask that? Unless he thought that me and Professor Lupin were doin-


"Its in Professor Lupin's classroom sir" I said nervously.

He seemed to snarl even worse then before.

"Why is your cloak in his classroom?" He said while sounding like he was ready to murder someone.

"Because we were having tea sir" I said wearily.

How was he gonna take that? I mean we were having tea. Plus I'm 14. I mean really. What does he expect a 4th year to be doing with a Professor?

"Oh and its just a natural occurrence for someone to take off their cloak in the middle of tea time?" He asked while sneering at me.

"I was hot sir" I said before noticing how conceited that sounded.

"You always are" He said while looking me up and down.

Oh Merlin he took it the conceited way...

"Regardless of your clothes, or lack there of, we need to begin your detention." He said coldly.

"Yes sir" I said obedientely.

He smirked at me before moving towards a stack of cauldrons that were set out before his desk. Once he reached them he paused before turning around swiftly. When he saw I was still pushed up against a desk he raised an eyebrow.

"Now as much as I love seeing you pushed up against a desk it might be easier to clean the cauldrons, without magick, if you were next to them." He said looking me up and down (again) when he put emphasis on love.

Wait.... without magick?!?!?!?

"Without magick?" I exclaimed with horror seeping into my tone, and no doubt my expression.

He looked at me with a look of pure satisfaction and pleasure.

"Yes. Without magick. Now come here witch and give me your wand." He said in a silky deep tone.

I shivered. Merlin that voice. I looked up and saw he still had that look of satisfaction and pleasure on his face. Oh? Are you really messing with me? Oh its on again.

I grinned at him suddenly which immediately caused that look to change into a sneer and look of confusion again. Oh professor... How clueless you are.

I skipped over to him and happily held out my wand. He looked surprised for a second before he once again sneered and gently took my wand. So... he knows a wand is everything. It keeps us from feeling defenseless. No wonder he makes us work without magick. It would be torture for most people.

"Get to work" He snapped before turning and strolling to his desk. I watched him for a second before deciding to get started before he even looked at me again.

With a slight sigh, which I'm sure made him smug, I grabbed a cauldron from the stack and put it down as quickly as possible. Is it just me or do those things weigh a ton?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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