Today is Darn It Day

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Friend Raven!!"

As soon as I hear that i get annoyed not because I hate star, shes like a sister to me but because she pulled open my curtains

What is it star?" I say in a tired tone while yawning

Today is the day of yhe death of the man named the St of the Valentine!" She screamed as she was holding onto my waist and pulling round and round in the air.

Wait! Today's Valentines Day!" I say as i pull my self out of starfires arms

Yes yes now get ready to see the romance float around in the air"

No this is too sudden! I cant confess to Robin today! I never even prepared what i was going to say! What if he rejects me! Why didnt i know it was Valentines day today!

Hey Rae?"

Huh? Oh beast boy.." Need anything?" I ask flying to him

Okay look I met this girl in the pizza place while I was out with cy.. So i asked her out..but i dont know what to talk to her about.."

Is that all?" I ask with one eyebrow up

... I need cash..." He says while roundinh his index fingers together

Is that all?" you lend me..somethin somethin, please.."

I'll only do it on one condition." I say with an evil smirk

I hate that face, but I'll do anything for that cash I need"

I need you to clear Robin schedule for the day"

Hold the thought.. do you possibly like...You like him dont you?!"

...huh...i just need you to do that.. Please" I ask with one of the ugliest smiles ever

Love is in the air, I feel right I really do..huh love" beast biy says smelling the air

Sorry, I kinda overheard.." Soneone says coming out from the corridors

So you like someone Rae?"

Robin!" Me and beast boy scream at the top of our lungs

Well i did say i smelt love in the air.. So rae how far is this secret crush of yours gonna stay a secret?" Beast Boy asks

Shut up. You dimwit" I whisper roughly and loud enough for anyone near us to hear is

You have a secret crush huh?"
So raven are you by any chance planning to tell me, I'm willing to keep it a secret for you?" Robin said walking over to my door

Why do you wanna know so much dude? Do you possibly care for who shes in love with? Or are you possibly jealous of the guy she has a crush on?"

What beast boy said really caught my attention, was Robin really jealous? Or does he seriously care about who i have a thing for.

Im her leader I'm supposed to care about what she does or feels."

Using that as an explanation, how pathetic Robin" Beast Boy crosses his arms and rolls his eyes while talking

You know i like Starfire and since today is Valentines day I'm planning to let her know how strong my feelings are for her"

Thats messed up man." Beast boy says leaving "Sorry Rae rae"

Please make me a love potion Raven" he asks

I..i..I dont know how to, I gotta take 5. Bye Robin"

I leave with tears in my eyes as I wish I was never born, I wanna tell Robin I like him before he tells Starfire, I hope Starfire doesnt like him back so he can reconsider this, I wish having feelings for someone was never this hard! I still dont know why I love him after he said that,but I'll still tell him cause I think I got a chance of falling in love with him

Stay tuned

This had to end very short cause I am being autally

See ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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