Catch a Flight Not Feelings

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"The 11:45 flight to Mexico will begin boarding at Gate 5 in 10 minutes."

The tannoy broke everyone out of a caffeinated stupor. All except for Courtney, who was only just returning from the bathroom when the announcement sounded.

As she reached the table, Mari was the first to pull herself up and push the others into action.
Shayne sat up straight and looked for something. Seemingly, he found it when he met Courtney's eyes across the table. She rested her hands on the sticky surface and smiled weakly.

"Where've you're been, Court?" Shayne asked, standing up and wrapping a rough hand around his suitcase handle. "You were gone for like an hour."

"Not to mention you're super pale." Damien added, his carry on hanging awkwardly around his neck. Courtney saw little welts growing on his neck and shuddered, reminded of her nightmare.

"I'm just a little nervous, is all." she lied. "I'm not big on flying." Her hands were slick with sweat and spilt coffee. She wiped them on her joggers and gathered her things together.

Damien seemed to take her word as gospel and joined the others on their march towards Gate 5.

Shayne, however, the mind reader, hung behind to help Courtney with her bags and nudged her gently.

"I thought you liked flying?" he said, eyebrows knitting together. Courtney felt the urge to smooth them out.

"I usually do." She lied again. "Maybe I need a drink."

Shayne laughed abrasively.

"Day-drinking," he said. "That's something I can get on board with!"

"I meant like a water or something, dork." Courtney smirked, some of the tension in her shoulders starting to ease out.

"Oh yeah," Shayne said, widening his eyes. "I totally meant water too."

The two of them ran to catch up with the others who were just reaching the small queue outside Gate 5.

"Joven," Mari said, seriously. "For the love of god, do not take your shoes off on this flight. I won't be able to stand it."

Joven grumbled something about a "7 hour trip" and "needing to air them out."

Noah had a slim arm wrapped around Keith's neck and was musing about being Seat Sisters.

"You wanna sit next to me if you're feeling nervous?" Shayne whispered beside Courtney.

"Please." She replied. Somehow though, the thought turned her stomach five times over.

When they made it onto the plane, Shayne threw her baggage up in the compartment for Courtney and ushered her into the window seat.

"You gots to gets the best views, Miller." He said, all soft and baby faced.

She settled herself in for a long flight, plugged her earphones in and juddered her knees through the entire safety talk. On the other side of Shayne, Ian stared at the air hostess with absurd intensity. As if he hadn't heard it a millions times before.

Somehow, the crew had managed to cram themselves into the entire middle section of the plane and, as the flight levelled after take off, people took off their belts and swivelled round in their seats to partake in group conversation.

Courtney felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness. Trickles of conversation floated past her head:

"No but actually you guys, I'm telling you that this conspiracy makes some real sense..."

Her eyes closed and reopened in what felt like seconds.

"I guess we're just flying by the seat of our pants on this one."

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