r*pe lemons/smuts

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A/N: This isn't so much an unpopular opinion as it is a rant, because a lot of people seem to agree with me. I just didn't know where else to talk about this, so I'm doing it here.

I also want to put a TW for rape, as well as pedophilia and incest, because those are mentioned later on in the chapter. Ty.


Someone has to say it: RAPE LEMONS/SMUTS ARE NOT OKAY. Rape is a horrible thing performed by sick, terrible people that damages the victims FOR LIFE.

It is NOT hot. It is NOT cool.

It is a sick, horrible crime.

And if there are any rape fetishists reading this: STOP. You are DISGUSTING. Get some help, because rape is in no way okay. It is a disgusting, awful act. So get some help.

Now, don't get me wrong: if it is handled well, having a character be a rape victim as a part of their backstory is okay. You just have to be careful. Writing or reading rape lemons? That's disgusting.

The same goes for pedophilia and incest smuts; why people get off to incest, I will never know. It isn't quite as awful as pedophilia or rape, but usually is nonconsensual in the real world. Writing incest lemons, consensual or not, is disgusting. People of the same genetics should not have sex and if you think it's hot, you need therapy.

As for pedophilia smuts; it's even grosser. Children can not consent. We all know this, so writing about child characters having sex with adults is disgusting. You can be into DDLG, because that's not pedophilia. But straight up writing about children having sex with adults? That is sickening.

I don't know how to end this chapter, other than to say that rape/incest/pedophilia smuts are NOT OKAY, even if they are "just works of fiction". If you write or read these, please get help. These are all sick and disgusting, and are in no way hot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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