Chapter 2

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Violet's P. O. V

I rush into my room, even though Willow was trying to distract him I know he'll be here soon. Quietly closing my door, I tiptoe to my bed as hear his heavy foot steps and I act like I'm just cleaning up luckily I get there just as he barges in. I quickly turn to face him and pretend to be suprised, '' Good morning dad '' I say trying to sound as cheerful as possible, he looks at me like he's trying to determine whether or not I'm acting suspicious. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug ''Good morning V'' He whispers, I flinch at the nickname, no one calls me that except my sister. It takes all my power not to push him away from me, don't even get me started on the stench of alcohol wafting through the air. He finally lets go and holds my shoulder as he reaches towards my forehead to brush of the few strands that escaped from my bun, he just stands there for a few seconds and walks out. I sigh from the relief as I walk to the bathroom to redo my bun and then I contemplate on whether I should pick 'OMG! Orange' or 'Groovy Grapes'. I finally decide and I grab the can of 'Groovy Grapes' air freshener and walk back out and soon the room smells like fresh grape juice. I quickly grab my bag and walk down stairs towards the dining room. Just as I'm about to get in there I hear Willow's voice, right on time. ''Good morning Frederick'' I chimed and I don't give him a chance to respond, I just dig in. ''I knew you would like it'' he comments as he laughs shortly after. He eyes my plate that was just stacked with pancakes and strawberries because it's already half empty. Willow just stares at me with a ' What're you doing?!' look on her face, ''What?!'' I ask confused but it wasn't really clear because there was food in my mouth, we just both burst out laughing and watch him as he walks out to the kitchen.

Frederick's P. O. V

I watched Miss Willow walk in, and as soon as I saw her I knew something was wrong. I tried to talk to her about it but just told me that I shouldn't worry about it. Some minutes into the awkward silence Miss Violet walked in and spoke to me. I knew I wouldn't get my chance to respond because she started eating immediately she sat down, I know how much she loves pancakes and strawberries, after all I have known them almost all their lives, the only things she likes more than pancakes are Willow and Grapes. I shake my head and watch her, ''I knew you would like it'' I quickly say. I saw how Willow's face lit up at the sight of her sister and I walk out of the room as their laughter continues to play over and over again in my head. As long as they have each other, they'll be fine.

Willow's P. O. V

I was slightly happy to see Violet, the sides of my mouth turned up slightly. I took my time with breakfast but I knew that she wasn't going to. She started gobbling up her food, and I can't help but stare at her. ''What?!'' she tries asking with her mouth full and that just makes laugh, she just stares at me confused and that makes me laugh even harder and guess she decided to join me 'cause in a few minutes we're both clutching our stomachs from laughing that hard. ''So what happened when I left?'' She asks concerned staring straight at me. I just sigh and narrate the entire thing and she reaches over to hold my hand. ''What happened with you?'' I question breaking the silence, I sat there quietly as she tells me everything. She makes a funny face when she's talking 'bout the smell and I smile and she reaches over to give me a hug and I gladly return it.

''Let's go, we have to be early remember'' I remind her using some of her words against her. She just gets up and grabs her bag and I do the same and we walk to the front door, she reaches over to grab my hand and squeezes it gently, ''Are you ready?'' I calmly ask, ''the real question here is, are you?'' she asks answering my question with another question. ''Yes'' I say with no emotion knowing that she's right, we both look at each other and put on our best smiles and walk out towards the limo. Charles the driver, bows and asks to take our bags, we don't refuse after all there's no point arguing. We don't want him to lose his job. He then comes to hold the door open for Violet and I to get in, we just thank him and get in. Violet grabs her bag and fishes out her phone, we barely use them out of school I guess today was one of those days. I grab mine and put a pack of gum into it, it's kinda nice to have a limo that's stocked up with candy, when I'm done I look at Violet, sigh and look out the window. We arrive there in no time, luckily the windows are tinted so we have a chance to fake another smile. Violet gets my attention and she smiles at me reassuringly and I smile back and we both come out,

Here comes another day of misery.

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