That voice.

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I was lounging around on my bed just watching the normal stuff, you know, 50 shades of grey, all that fancy stuff- And I suddenly got a message on my screen, "Look outside" I frantically closed the curtains and locked my door, I sat under my bed hoped I was just hallucinating, a huge thump hit my door and I was stunned, "Open the door. Right now." I trembled, what did I do to deserve this sort of punishment. The door swung open, The same deep, husky voice growled, if you don't come out, the punishment will be worse, I sat there, wondering who this person was, suddenly someone firmly gripped my ankles and dragged me without hesitation. I looked up in shock, this was the "anonymous".  I trembled and softly asked "why are you here, what did I do." He softly spoke, this might be the wrong house, but you're coming with me, I can't risk you telling the authorities about what you've seen tonight.

I woke up in a slightly dull room, a cold shiver echoed down my body, where am I?

An oddly tall man walked in, wearing the same mask as the guy who was in my house, I looked up in fear, who are you guys and why am I here-?!

The man hushed me "Shhh, don't worry doll, there's no need to be afraid, we won't punish you unless you're bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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