Hatched (Chapter 1)

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It was a beautiful, sunny morning of a Saturday. The sun was shining and some Fletchlings were flying around the clear blue sky. Suddenly, something cracked... It was an Egg! A tiny, brown ear was popping right out of the crack, then another one... Finally, the egg fully hatched. It was revealed that a tiny male Eevee popped out of the egg. It seemed to have big, green eyes that were filled with determination. It shook some egg pieces off of it's head and looked around...

There was another Egg there... It seemed to have started hatching too. Two brown ears popped out of the cracks and the small being slowly started to get out of the Egg. It was another Eevee! It seemed to have beautiful amber eyes. It was another male. Preferably, the other Eevee's brother. He was quite small.

They noticed eachother, both giving eachother confused looks. Suddenly, a bigger figure came out of the woods, holding a few berries in it's mouth. It'd notice the Eevees and walked towards them.

Mei: Oh, it seems that you two finally hatched! You're both so tiny and cute! (She seemed ecstatic)

The Eevees came to Mei. They sniffed her for a bit and then they were sure that was their mother. Her aura was pretty soft and it smelled a lot like them. They softly cuddled into her soft fur, she seemed to be a Sylveon. She hugged them with her 'bows.

Mei: Awwe! You two are so sweet! (She said that, with a cheerful voice)

Mei: Now, I should probably give you two names... (She thought for a second, thinking for good names for the little brothers)

Mei: I know! The one with green eyes can be "Chase" and the one with amber eyes can be "Elias"! 

They gave her a look of approvement. They stuttered their names a bit. Mei thought it was wholesome.

Mei: Now, why don't you two go out and play? The day today is beautiful! I'll cook some breakfast for you both while you play!

They nodded, going into the forest. Light was shining through the leaves and the place was filled with other Pokemon, just like them. They were exploring the woods, sniffing the berries and just overall playing. 

A sound could have been heard from the bushes. It started getting louder and louder. It seemed to have been coming closer. 

. . . 

(Hey, you! Thanks for reading this story! I really appreciate it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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