Prologue: Crystal Catacombs

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This chapter is mostly the same as the show with some....extras, but I thought it'd be nice with some introspective thoughts. I think it will be important to set the rest of the story up right...enjoy :)

The crystal catacombs they had thrown her in were cold and damp. Earth and water swirled together and created a musky, moldy smell that probably should have bothered her- but it didn't. It was the beauty of the cavern that she noticed, the illuminated crystals, refracting light and causing the shadows to move as if they were dancing around a fire. It was beautiful yet terrifying.

In that moment she wished that instead of bending water like the moon, she could've been born stubborn enough to bend the earth around her. The earth that currently felt as if it was suffocating her.

Just as she was beginning to rein in her anxiety enough to think through a plan, the ground began rumbling, 'Aang?' She thought, 'had he finally come to get her out of this hell hole?' It opened up once again and another person was dumped within the green, crystal walls of the catacombs. His emerald and gold earth kingdom clothes didn't do much to confuse his identity- his scar was plain enough.

"Zuko?!" She exclaimed. Although she was suddenly flushed with confusion, the anger she held against him was overpowering. It overshadowed her critical thinking and her mind began concocting possible theories as to why her enemy was being imprisoned with her instead of fighting by Azula's side. 

"Why did they throw you in here?" Zuko said nothing. His mind reeling from the discovery that the Avatar had been in Ba Sing Se this entire time. He had begun a new life here, he made tea and went on dates- being confronted by Azula and capturing the avatar weren't things he'd ever planned on doing again. 

"Oh, wait, let me guess. It's a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!" 

Zuko didn't know what to say. How was he supposed to explain that he hadn't known the avatar was in the Earth kingdom city. How was Katara supposed to believe that he had spent the last few weeks learning to become a better person as well as ultimately giving up his chase of the avatar. 

He had felt that by letting the sky bison go free, he was relieving himself of the duty of hunting down Aang, 'but I guess destiny has it's own twisted web to follow' he thought. 'Just when you think you've landed on a silken thread of light, it turns into a sticky trap that alerts the enemy to your presence.'

Zuko curled his knees into his chest and turned away from Katara. He didn't want to be lectured about his previous mistakes right now.

"You're a terrible person! You know that? Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!" 

Blood. The word struck a cord within him. Yes Azula and Ozai were forged in fire and brimstone, but he was also bound by blood to his mother and uncle. Two people that had protected him, nurtured him, and tried to teach him right and wrong. They were not made to spread war or hatred.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" He exploded on her. All his feelings of honor and neglect ignited by her words. His voice had filled the entire cavern, echoing off the walls and becoming magnified by the earth. His skin was boiling from his chi and it heated the entire cave, sending a wave of heat over Katara- like a rattle snake warning the trespasser before the strike.

"Molten" (ATLA) Zuko x KataraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang