Chapter 1

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QOTD ~ Would you rather be an evil angel or a pure hearted demon?


"Mother..." I muttered in deep thought as I stared up at the sky. I sat up on my elbow and looked down at the flower that I was holding. It was a chrysanthemum and it only grew around this time of the year in the garden of Eden. They were my favorite kind of flowers, Although my father thinks that it makes me feminine for liking them so much.

He'd rather have me join the holy guard like all the rest of the guys do around my age, but my wings haven't grow in yet. Not until my 18th birthday at least, and I'm not exactly looking forward to it.

There was nothing fun about being a holy guard. They were protecting the light, but he hasn't spoken to us in decades. I personally don't favor the idea of dedicating my life to protecting the light and enforcing the rules.

I'd rather work in the garden with mother.

But of course no men were allowed to work in the garden. By order of the light and Holy guard. So that only really leaves me with training to be a professor to educate young angels on the gospel of the light.

I'd rather eat from the tree of knowledge and be cast out of Eden forever.

I blew my hair out of my face in frustration as I thought about how much my life actually sucked. Not a lot of People in my position would agree with me, but they glorify Angels for simply being Angels.

It's a rather foolish mentality to have in my opinion,Sometimes obeying the light is harder than breathing.

"Yes Sebastian?" She called out and I stood up and dusted myself off. I sighed and walked over to where she was.

She was picking fresh apples from one of the fruit trees with a basket in her other hand.
"Did you need something sweetheart?" She asked kindly and I sighed and shook my head truthfully.

"No not really." I sat down on the grass again and mother stopped picking apples and came to sit next to me.

"What's wrong honey?" She asked in a worried tone and I twirled the flower in my fingers.

"It's just..." I sighed in frustration "I know that I don't like any of the girls here. My birthday is tomorrow and I'm going to be the only Angel here without a mate. I was supposed to feel my mate bond when I was 16 like everyone else, but I didn't. That was 2 years ago...What if my mate is dead? What if-"

"Sebastian It's okay to feel anxious and worried about it, but you haven't even taken the time to actually go and talk to anyone. All you do is hide in the garden with me all the time. There are so many lovely girls here that I've caught looking at you. There are too many Angels here in Eden for your mate to be dead. You jump to conclusions too quickly my dear. " Mother chuckled as she ruffled my hair lovingly "Why don't you have Sage introduce you to some of her friends." She suggested and I shook my head slowly. My older sister's friends frightened me a little. They strayed from the path of light and hid it well from everyone else, but not me.

I've caught my sister sneaking back home from Sin city on multiple occasions, but I loved her too much to get her in trouble. I always promised never to tell mother or father, and like most angels I always keep my word.

"No mother it's more than that." I tried to explain not knowing exactly how to put my words in a sentence. "I-I don't think that I can be with a girl."

"Don't be silly Sebastian of course you can! You have a kind heart and you're absolutely handsome. I'm sure any girl would love to be with you." Mother tried to comfort me, but the point I was trying to make was going over her head completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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