Chapter 1 : Tragedy

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It was an afternoon, a fine afternoon, a boy at the age of 13, was coming home from school. He was your average boy of course. Good Grades, participated in Sports.  As the boy, Robin Wilds came in the house, the mother greeted him, 

' '  Hi Robin! ' '.   

' '  Hey Mother. How was work . . ? ' '    

' '  It was alright, I suppose. It's a nice day out! So try to play outside! ' '   

' '  Agreed . . ' '

As Robin finished the remainder of his homework. He came outside to the field where everyone was, a good 20 kids were there. He'd go up to him  ' ' Hey Clyde, THINK FAST! ' '   He'd threw a brand new golden Poker chip at him,  

' '  Woaaah! You found it?! ' '   

' '  Sure did. ' '     '

 '  Thank you so much! ' ' 

 Then a girl, Red hair, just like Robin, but her's were redder than his!  ' '   . . .  Hey. ' '   

' '  Eh? ' '  He'd glance   

' '  Oh wow, a fellow red hair! But mines orange but still . .  How may I help a fellow Red Hair? ' ' 

  ' '  A plush . .  Can you help me out and find it . . ? ' ' 

   ' '  Description . . ?  Also . . Aren't you a bit old for that . . ? ' '   

 ' ' N-No!  It's a bear too . . ' ' 

   ' '  Robin listen to the poor girl! ' '  Clyde mutter    

' '  Fine . .  The fine of the teddy bear is 10$ . . If I don't get it back year's notice I pay 1000$. ' ' 

 ' '  Isn't that a tad bit pricy? ' '   

' ' Listen I don't have TIME for your shit! ok?! I have to look for peoples lost shit and I hope I find em before YEARS END. ' '   

Sai nodded. '' Okay, I'll ask someone else.''

 ' ' But . . ' '  Muttered Clyde

' ' Robin Wilds is a good finder man . . ' ' 

 ' ' He can find that Teddy less than a week . . Two week tops! ' ' 

 ' '  What are you, his salesman or something?  ' '  Sainoa Chuckled 

' '  Yes, Actually. ' '  

 ' '  He helped me find this . . ' '   Clyde held up a Golden Poker Chip 

' '  Fine . .  If you can find my bear, I'll pay you even more than you asked..' '   Scoffed Sainoa

' '  Deal! ' '   Clyde said

Sainoa waved goodbye and Robin took more orders,  

As Robin got home, he experienced something horrifying, at his doorstep layed his father, DEAD.   as he stepped inside, he saw his mother DEAD aswell. Robin was shocked, crying, shaking them in absolute fear . .  The men in the house saw him and pointed the shot gun at him   

' '  Wh . .  What did you DO?! ' '

' ' None of your buissness kid . . GET OUT! ' '

' '  I . .  Wha . .  WHAT DID THEY DO!? ' '

' '  Camera's show your father has a machine that can bring back people from the dead. ' '   

' '  Wh . . NO HE DOESN'T!? ' '

'  ' Kid, get out. . ' '

' '  Let me pack first atleast . . '  '

' ' . . . . Fine . . . ' '

Robin rushed to grab his weapons, stuff, plenty of food, and others stuff, but most of all, his prized thing that he owned, his grandfathers tophat.  He'd place it on and he ran out in the wind, never to return to that place, 6 years later . . 

(CHAPTER 1 . .  END)



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