Chapter 2: The Gathering

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Robin ran in the wind, wondering if he could find some place to go, then he realized, 

' '  The Gathering . . '  '

The gathering was a simple thing, a place where all the kids met at night, atleast the braver ones. Robin bursted through the tent, and saw his friends, Clyde, and Rioka.

' '  Clyde?  Rio? Since when did YOU go to these things . . ? ' '

' '  We've been here. Like . .  4 months . . ' ' 

' '  Well duh, Clyde. This gathering existed for 4 months. ' '

' ' . .  What I said . .  Anyways, Robin! What brings you here?! ' ' 

' '  M-My parents. .  THEY GOT KILLED MAN! ' '

' '  WHAT!? ' '  Rio yelled

' '  Hahahaa! Nice one! ' ' Clyde laughed

' '  This is no time to JOKE. Clyde my parents DIED. ' '

' '  What . .  No no that HAS to be a joke! ' '

' '  Nope . . Shot gunned at my eyes after that girl approached me . . Did . . ' '

' '  No . . Did she have something to do with it you think!? ' '  Clyde asked

' ' Maybe . .  What was her name  . . ?  ' ' 

' '  I never asked. .  ' '  

' '  DAMN! Well atleast we have a lead . . But listen to me . .  We might be in some deep trouble . .  I might be hunted next . .  We might have to move around . . ' ' 

' '  You mean next city? I can get my parents to move! ' '  Said Clyde

' '  No . . Statewise . . '  '

' '  Whaaa?!  No Way! I always wanted to ride a train! ' '

' '  Relax Clyde . .  We'll stay in Baltimore for a few days for your parent's approval . .' ' 

' '  Oh god. . ' ' Mumbled Rio and Clyde

' '  Hm? ' '

' '  How will they allow us on such a trip? Where are we even gonna go?! ' '  Asked Rioka

' '  I have a secret weapon . . ' '

' ' Riiiiight . . ' ' Mumbled Rioka 

' '  Alright.  Who will be going with me? All of hands? ' '  

And so, Clyde, Rio, and a few more people actually rose their hands. But little did they know, they had alot of stuff coming their way . .  

Chapter Two Part One: END.   **Outro:**    MUSIC IS NOT OWNED BY ME, OWNED BY Kiner Brothers.

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