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After Timothee whispered that in your ear, you were caught by surprise. You stood in shock. You and him didn't speak since the day you broken up, which was five years ago.

When you and Timothee broke up, it was nearly the first day of your senior year. It was summer when you two had cut things off. You both had to deal with the awkwardness when you both made eye contact, or even just crossed paths in the hallway.

It didn't help that you both almost had all the same classes together, since your school was very small, plus their wasn't a lot of seniors that year. Most of them had moved after junior year, and not a lot of people transferred that year.

So you would admit that you were in shock. You couldn't believe he had whispered a tease in your ear like nothing happened between you too. Like he forgot about the past you both shared. But you remembered you were at a party and he was just probably drunk.


You rolled your eyes, but you grinned at his comment.

"While thank you Mr. Pretty boy." You said grinning, but walking away.

He grinned, and also walked away.

You found your friends, Zendaya and Tom, and your best friend Jaden dancing with his new girlfriend.

She was grinding on him.

You were talking to Zendaya, but caught a few glances of Jaden and his girlfriend.

You felt this kind of jealousy. Why were you jealous. You guys dated almost four years ago? Why would you have feelings for him again. Wait, why did Timothee say that to me. Did he hear my songs? Did he see my big hit movies? That was weird he just came up to me after five years. Maybe he was drunk. But was he? Why am I even thinking about both of them.

Your thoughts were roaming in your mind, which caused you to lose your attention to your conversation with your friend.

"Vani, you okay?"

"Yea, yea I'm okay. Let's get drunk."

You said trying not to sound suspicious while still being confused by you thoughts. You went to sip your drink. You had a few now at this point. You were getting drunk every minute. Within those minutes you could feel someone's gaze on your body.

You thought it was Jaden or one of your friends but it was Timothee.

He was staring right at you, you were sitting on a white couch with a table place in front of you which your legs and feet were using for comfort. You were bumping your head to the song, fantasy by Bazzi.

He was facing you. He was sitting at the bars counter. He was sitting on the white stool facing you and looking you up and down. The only think that was making you both distant was the table in between.

When you noticed he was staring at you, you both made eye contact.

"Hi chalament."

"Hi beautiful."

"Mm beautiful huh?"


He was now standing up from the stool, he was walking over to you to sit next to you on the couch.

This took your friends by surprise. You and Timothee were catching up and conversating without being awkward, it felt as you guys were the only one there. You blushed every time he would compliment your movie or song. He said you were doing a great job at pursing your career. He was getting sexier and sexier every time he would say something.

You and him were starting to get touchy, he put his arm around you. Your leg was in the middle of his legs. You guys actually looked like a couple.

Your friends seemed to take notice, and left you two just conversating.

"I want to show you something Vani." You blushed at him calling you you're old nickname.

"Okay, only because your cute." He blushed at your comment and facepalmed his face.

You took his hand that he handed out, and he pulled you into a janitor closet.

Once the door was shut, he pinned you on the wall.

You moaned at his actions.

"Cut the shit, why are you doing this to me Avani?" He said in his low sexy voice.

He knew what he was doing for you.

"What am I doing cutie?" You smirked give him your shit-eating grin.

You were making him horny.


He looked down, you followed his gaze.

It is what you imagined he was getting- he was getting hard by you? You took that by a surprise.

"That's not fault, maybe if you weren't looking at me tonight that would've never happened."

"Oh yeah, you're gonna fix it for sure missy."

"You sure about that?"

He looked at your eyes and then your lips, he smashed his lips on yours. He connected your lips to his. Ughhh how much you missed this. You missed him you thought.

"I'm. Pretty. Sure. Sexy." He said in between kisses.

You both were making out, until he slowly started grinding you.

You both were finding pleasure just by making out and grinding.

Things led to another, and you both were naked and find pleasure from each other.

After this, you both were putting your cloths back on.

"We should do this again sometime." Timothee whispered in your ear.

He gave you one last kiss and left the room. Leaving you to still put on your cloths.

You had realize what you just did and your thoughts started to roam your mind.

Ughhh what has this night become too?

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