the office and snuggles

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"hey don't you need to leave like now?" kaycee's mom woke her daughter up by knocking on her door. kaycee shot up— eyes wide and hair puffy from tossing around all night. she grabbed her phone and saw that it was already past 7:15am which is when she normally leaves for dance class on saturdays. "yes." kaycee gasped and threw her blankets off of her and jumped out of bed. "i'll go back you some toast" her mom nodded and walked away. "thanks!" kaycee yelled after her.

she winced slightly feeling how sore and stiff she felt. this sometimes happened after a difficult class, but she didn't feel like yesterday's rehearsal with sean warranted sore muscles. also she didn't sleep well at all, and if it were a hard class, that wouldn't have been an issue. she couldn't seem to get comfortable no matter how many blankets she put on or took off of herself, and she wound up laying in bed for hours before she finally was able to sleep for a bit. she yawned and shook her head quickly. maybe she was just off today. she was sure that dancing with her best friend would fix that.

she quickly changed, brushed her teeth, and tamed her hair into a braid. her head was pounding a bit, so she swallowed some motrin before going downstairs. her mom must have left for work because she had set two slices of toast with peanut butter and bananas out on the counter as well as left a note reading "have fun, i love you!" next to it. kaycee smiled. she grabbed the plate of toast to eat in the car and her dance bag which was sitting by the front door and walked to her car.

the drive was only fifteen minutes away, and she usually got there early to stretch, so kaycee wasn't late, but she definitely wasn't there when she usually is. sean noticed and shot her a text "hey weirdo, where are you?" she smiled and quickly typed "here! ran late this morning" as she was walking from the parking lot to the studio. he looked up and smiled as she walked in. she walked over and plopped down next to him. "did you sleep in?" sean asked kaycee laughed "i guess i just didn't hear my alarm!" she laughed but shrugged. "that's okay i still have time to stretch." sean nodded and they walked to the center of the room to stretch out before class.

right before they started, kaycee's stomach flipped, and she knew immediately what was going to happen. "i'll be right back!" she said to sean quickly before speed walking to the bathroom so she wouldn't draw attention by running. she barely made it to the toilet though before her breakfast came up violently. she threw up a couple times before there was nothing left in her. she gasped and knelt down confused at how that happened so fast. knowing she needed to get back to class, she shakily stood up and washed her face and hands with cold water. she looked at her puffy eyes in the mirror and frowned. hopefully no one would notice and hopefully this didn't go on all day.

"you okay?" sean asked as she walked back to stand next to him. she nodded and smiled "yeah all good."
he shrugged and turned toward the instructor as they learned a new combination. kaycee was a little slower in picking up the movements and a little stiff on the execution, but sean was the only one who noticed. they worked for about an hour until the choreographer excused them for a few minutes to grab a drink or practice. without a word kaycee jogged to the bathroom again. confused, sean just went to sit by his bag and grab a drink.

kaycee threw up again— well mostly she dry heaved because there wasn't much left to throw up. her head was starting to pound again, and she was shakier than before. she groaned wondering if something was actually wrong. she really couldn't afford to get sick right now, so she pushed that thought down quickly. she breathed for a few moments and then walked back out to be with sean.

"you sure you're okay?"  her partner asked as she came to sit down with him. "yeah" she nodded slowly "yeah i'm good" she took a drink from her bottle. "okay" he said but didn't really buy it. they danced for another hour. they did a bit of partner work, and sean could have sworn that he felt kaycee shaking during it. he made eye contact with her and raised an eyebrow, but she shook her head and fiend a confused face. he was suspicious, but didn't say anything.

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