Collecting Moshlings

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Howdy, doody, eager beavers! Are you ready to start nabbin' yourselves a few Moshlings? Good, coz when it comes to roundin' up the playful little scamps, your old pal Buster is an expert.

Of course, some of my rootin' tootin' trapping techniques are far too risky for all you whippersnappers out there. And I wouldn't want you vanishing into thin air like my poor ol' great uncle!

So, how do you get your mitts on a Moshling without risking your neck?

All your need are seeds! They're the sure-fire way to attract the teeny-weeny critters. So quit scratching your noodle and check out my seed-tastic tips. They're sure to grow on you!

As any budding collector knows, Moshlings are attracted to flowers - and seeds make flowers. Just hightail it over to and buy yourself some seeds. If you're lucky enough to be a Moshi Member you can skedaddle on over to the Port area and buy extra-special seeds like crazy Daisies and Snap Apples to attract rarer Moshlings.

In total there are eight weird and wonderful seed varieties. Plant them in the three plots in your garden and watch 'em grow. Sounds easy, huh? Well, sometimes it is, but different blooms attract different Moshlings, so you need to get your Combinations just right.

You dig?

If you’re looking to snag something Ultra Rare, you’ll need to make sure your flowers are the right colour,  too. Hot diggity, talk about fussey! If you don’t get lucky straight away, relax. A birdie boffin called the Cluekoo will swoop in with a few helpful hints. Next time you crack a combination, why not share it with your friends?

Moshi Monsters: Moshling Collectors GuideWhere stories live. Discover now