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Walking thorugh the white corridors of the hospital Hoorain was lost in her own world, lost in a whirlpool of thoughts.

She was tired of explaining things to everyone. She never had difficulty accepting whatever was happening in her life. She had accepted what had come and..gone. But her heart still ached thinking of the possibilities, of what she had expressed and what she had suppressed. It was becoming a heavy burden on her heart.

But she knew better than to do that.

Inspite of all she was still grateful for all the pain Allah had blessed her with. She knew,

Allah never burdens a soul more that he can bear.

And she was strong. Every pain, every hardship, every trial had only made her stronger throughout her life. She knew Allah puts those to tests whom he loves just like he did with the prophets (saw). And those who overcame them with strong Iman, became stronger with time, elevated in status in the Hearafter.

A lone tear escaped her down casted eyes and she immidiately wiped it away with the back of her hand. In rushed steps, she didn't see and knocked over an empty wheel chair on her way causing it to move and hit someones crutch.

She closed her eyes in pain as she hit her hand in the process. Immidiately she bent down to take the report that fell on the floor with a soft thud.

"I'm sorry miss are you being fine?"

"No no I'm sorry I should've bee- "

Both spoke in unison but she suddenly stiffened hearing the familiar voice.

It was a voice that had captured her thoughts more than she liked.

A voice that was buried deep inside her.

Only one name was swirling in her head.

This couldn't be happening.

She swallowed nervously and lifted her gaze. There was the man in question in all his glory. He had longer hair and had glasses on and was holding onto a crutch. Wait what?

A crutch?

What happened to him?




She didn't know what to name how she felt at that moment.

His eyes were down casted in respect just as always they would, waiting for her to hand over the file that was long forgotten in her grip.

She was frozen.

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