Chapter 16

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I know, he's too handsome grrrrr. okay, bye bye read well. kkekekeke

2 days have past and it was terrifying, aishhh!! It ended up our school director was dead. He was shot in the head. The school is closed for weeks, maybe 2 or 3. Everyone is terrified even me but I won't let my guards down for the suspect is still out there. That time when I heard the glass broke, I didn't hesitate to go where it was coming from. It was just the dead body of the director lying in his office. I was with taetae that time then I examine him with my eyes, as my eyes landed to his left hand. I saw his ring it was familiar... like I've seen it before, but I don't know where and I need to remember. I went back to reality when taetae held my shoulder and told me to leave. We called the hospital after we got out and also the police. Still my mind was still floating, trying to remember where I saw that ring. aissshhh... oteokke! What if I know how to help the investigation, I need to find some answers...

"gwenchana?" taetae asked looking at me. "ahh ne... just curious about his ring that's all. It's like I've seen it before..." I looked down still thinking hard where I saw it.

We waited for the ambulance and the police. I explain every single thing I saw except for the ring. I didn't tell them that feel like I knew something. Well you know, I'm not that sure soo... better be safe.


I heard a knock on my door, well you don't need to guess who it was. "taehyung­ oppa, annyeonghaseyo! Jaljinaesseoyo?" I asked him with a grinning face. He didn't answer but he showed a black plastic bag and said "you favorite chocolate brownie bingsu is here!!!" as he smiled. "ommo jinjja?? You really don't have to" I pouted at him while receiving the bag. When I opened it my smile was shown and was stretched widely. "kamsamnida!! Saranghe" I kissed his left cheek then giggled. I love how he gave me those boxy smiles.

We sat at the sofa at the living and talked about some stuff while eating my favorite bingsu, then my eomma just bulged in the front door having a wide smile like she won somethi---

"ommo!!! I just won a giant teddy bear from the arcade-"

"aren't you too 'young' for that eomma???" I asked also embarrassed because taetae just heard that from my eomma, aishhh. My mom saw taehyung and calmed down "I'm sorry but who can calm when you finally have giant teddy bear!!!!" she stated happily like she was a kid. Taehyung laughed it off and told my eomma to join us. Well I forgot to tell you that guys, my eomma have been earning those tickets to win the giant teddy bear. It actually made me curious why can't she just order online and just have it in the next day. I know you will tell me 'why didn't you ask her about that?' so I did she said she like to get precious things by working hard, she's totally crazy but I love her. Kekekeke

It started to rain so loud "oh? The news said there will be low chance of raining?" he stated confused. "ne, the reporter says there's low chance of raining, well... gwenchana it will go down soon" my eomma told taehyung. "eomma did you ate dinner already?" I inserted the question politely. "ne, honey" she smiled "taehyung you can sleep here if the rain won't die soon. It's getting late, I'm going to rest honey. Enjoy you two" she smiled and winked at me while I gave her a disgusted face. You know not some mothers are strict while having a boyfriend and yes, she knows we are together. she even thought of us doing some tricks and chicks, Aisshhh kekekeke. "but eomma where will he sleep?" I asked fast before she could go up the stairs "the guest room next to you honey" she said and smiled. "arrasso good night eomma" I smiled and give her a flying kiss. I saw tae just texted someone. "who is that?" I asked curiously. "eomma, I texted her that I will sleep here" he answered looking up to me and gave me a cheeky smile. "come here give me a ppopo" he opened his arms and kicks his feet like a child and gave me a pouty lips. "arrasso, kekekeke" before I could go to his arms someone called me, Shivers came down to my body as I saw who was calling me.

I answered the phone

"hi liza"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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