New Changes

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Three months ago, when Nina and I arrived at the orphanage, we were a little scared of the new change and how living there would be like. Would we like the other kids there? Would we get along with them? How would we be treated? Would it be worse than our previous situations? So many questions and thoughts ran through my mind as I thought these things when we were being introduced, but all those questions were sort of irrelevant after I met Liv. The way she wanted to help us when that guy Hyde was bullying us made me trust her instantly, but I didn't think that day would escalate the way it had. Especially not with the way she was eventually vilified and treated. As we were being taken, I could tell she wasn't as scared as I was when we were taken down the hall together, and I didn't know if she was being like that because she was brave or because she was expecting what was to come. After she joined me in the closed-off room, I was glad I wasn't alone and took the opportunity to get to know her. I was surprised by what she told me and how long they've been in those conditions. I was so glad to have met her and Jordan as now; we are so close and only keep getting more and more comfortable with each other. Nina definitely started talking more than she did in the beginning and I was happy that she was finally opening up to all of us. Jordan would be super nice and would always be coming up with new games for us to play together.  

This morning, during breakfast, we were told there were going to be visitors and the teachers have been urging all of us to be on our best behavior. I quickly noticed how Liv hate these days, because every time we had visitors, it meant someone was getting adopted. She even had an idea to hide, but last time we tried that, we got caught. This time, they made sure to make sure we were some of the first kids in the playroom. We immediately went to our usual spot in the library in the corner. For the last couple of months, Liv and I spent a lot of our time here, while Jordan and Nina would go get toys and play together while Liv and I would read. We would read books over and over again and then switch so the other can read too. I loved how we had a thing together, and I learned how she wasn't reading too good in her English class from Jordan; so I made sure we spent time reading on our free time after eating, and I would be teaching her how to read harder books as she got better.  

We were all together continuing our regular activities when suddenly the room's doors opened up revealing a couple. The man was at a brooding height and dressed in an all-black suit while his wife was matching him with an all-black blazer and pantsuit. They both looked completely different than the other couples who have visited and definitely more intimidating as well. You could tell these people meant business and today their investment was a child. 

They never told us how many kids the couples would possibly adopt to avoid any disappointment and give high hopes to us, but we all knew it was usually like a beauty contest between every one of us here to look nice, behave, and give the right answers to questions to be adopted. Of course, we all wanted a family, what child doesn't...but from Liv's face, I could tell she had no intention of participating in this pageant. Nina, Jordan, and I were also sitting right beside Liv and didn't talk like we'd been instructed; but we all knew what we were all feeling. There was no doubt that there was fear and anxiety between the four of us as the couple walked around inspecting all of us as if we were produce at a grocery store to see which ones were ripe or rotten. Once they got closer to the four of us, I looked up to see them both looking down at all four of us, then looking at Jordan and Nina. They asked the director about them, wanting to know about their profiles and history. Once they had gotten those folders, I turned to Liv to see her livid, staring up at the couple in silent distress. I could already tell what she was feeling and if I'm honest, I was starting to feel it too. I was selfish enough to not want to be alone if any of us were chosen after the three happy months we all spent together. I know I was not going to let them take either of us without a fight, just like I knew Liv would too. As they finished looking at the folders, they closed them, looking back at Jordan and Nina saying the words we all dreaded to hear: "We want you two, Jordan and Nina." 

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