1 phone call

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"Georgeeeee! Say you love me!"
Once George heard these words, his face immediately started to heat up. He knew his friend was just messing around with him but, it always makes him get butterflys every time he does this. This time however, felt different. He wanted to say 'I love you dream' But he knew it wouldn't be so smart of him to do it on camera. So, instead he does what he always does "Oh my god. Dream stop!" He could hear his friend laugh a little "I love you, so why don't you love me? Just say you love me Georgeeee"
Clay was editing videos untill he heard a ding from his phone. He sat up from his desk and walked over to where his phone was on his bed.
                        George 💚
Hey Clay, want to
Meet up some-
Where?                 9:34 PM
                               9:36 PM dude call me


"Hello?" Clay heard his friends voice
Say after he picked up the phone "Hey, George. So you want to hang out?"
"Yeah, bu-" Clay cut his friend off
"Are you hitting on me?"
"WTF, clay no, i-im not."
"Okayyyyy, so why do you want to fly a plane out to see me?"
"Clayyy I just want to hang out... in person, not on some teamspeak."
"Oh so you can see me.?"
"No, well yes, but no I want to hang out!"
Clay grins as now he has a idea
"Well ok, can't wait to see you're pretty face in person George."
George stays silent for a few seconds before finally saying something
"Stop what?"
"DOnt start"
"Start what?"
"O-ok dr-I mean clay. I will be there shortly."
"You mean 10 hours"
"Bye clay"
George hung up the phone.
"Can't wait to see him in person."
Clay says to himself before heading back over to his desk to turn his computer off. He then head for the washroom to brush his teeth and go to bed.

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