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We spent the next hour chatting and eating some snacks. I wanted his laughter to never cease but unfortunately every pleasant moment had to end at one point.

As soon as we heard the front door shut it was like life itself paused for a second. But it didn't take me long to grab his hand and whisper that we've got this, together. I don't know why but I felt like I couldn't breathe properly until I somehow soothed the situation here. Was it because I was the only one that his parents knew who knew about his addiction? Well, as of right now I couldn't care less about that as we both sat straight on the couch. Jimin's hand was a little shaky under mine but I held it tight and somehow hoped that this unspoken gesture calmed him.

We heard footsteps coming closer and eventually stop, indicating that they've entered the room.

I looked up and saw Mrs. Park. And it almost seemed like she was a different person without her cheerful personality and smile. Instead, a very mentally drained image of her was on display. 

"Haeun? Hello dear." She gave me a small  smile to which I nodded, unable to even fake a smile. 

She cleared her throat before speaking again, her eyes going towards our intertwined hands. As if on cue, Jimin tried to pull away but I didn't let him, instead, I held on even tighter.

"Haeun, please don't mind me saying this but I have some important things to discuss with Jimin. Alone."

I sighed, straightening myself a bit before speaking, "mrs. Park, I know what's going on here and I'd like to say some things, please." 

I looked at Jimin and he immediately locked his gaze with me, our eyes communicating as he silently thanked me and slides his hand away from me before turning in front to face his mother.

"Mom, we can talk about whatever you want after she leaves if you don't wanna talk in front of her with me. But I want her to say whatever it is that she wants because she's the only one who's been with me for the past few days even after pretty much knowing...a lot."

I unconsciously smiled before coughing it away and faced Mrs. Park myself. Her face not giving away anything. It was a blank slate, which was scary. Now that I think about it, I really didn't wanna leave Jimin alone with her. On top of everything, he still has to deal with his father after all this.

"Sure. Haeun, what do you have to say?" She said, again with a monotonous tone, completely different considering how she usually spoke to me. It was as if she was a whole new person. Far from the kind and sweet Mrs. Park I'd come to know.

Circumstances does take onto drastic changes, apparently.

"Thank you. I um, I'd like you to consider therapy for him. As in sessions from time to time...instead of sending him full time into a psychiatric hospital to cure him or any other place to redeem his addiction." I pause to carefully gauge her reaction and surprisingly, she nodded, gesturing for me to go on.

"I've seen him getting high on that stuff and he doesn't act in any way which would be...disturbing. And even if he does, he makes sure to be alone through the process so that no one gets to see it. My point is, Mrs. Park, that I believe he'll do just fine with one on one therapy. At least give it a shot and see for yourself if it works or not." I press my lips together in an attempt to smile.

For the first time that evening, she gives off a genuine reaction. She sighs and looks at Jimin, a softness etched on her face before she turns to me and nods with a smile. That sweet smile, which I've come to know.

Well, this is going way better than I expected it to. Thank the lord.

"Thank you Haeun. I really appreciate it and would most definitely consider it. You don't know how distressed I was because it was the most unexpected thing to even happen to me to say the least. I mean, Jimin has always been the sweetest and most understanding person and this is just...so out of the blue."

"I understand. I just hope everything works out well in the end for both of you, I really do." I say, standing up.

"I'll get going now and let you both talk. My mom's probably pissed because I didn't even let her know I'd be out." I chuckled. She probably saw my location from her phone and is waiting for me to come back so that she could give me a "earful".

"I'll walk you out." Jimin said and I nodded without even looking at him as I got out of the room and made my way towards the entrance.

As I was in the middle of putting on my shoes I heard him come over and stand in front of me. "I don't really know how to thank you but...god, thanks. I owe you a million, honestly."

I squinted my eyes at him playfully before smiling. "We"ll see 'bout that. But for now, promise me you'll work hard on getting better and never even touch that nasty shit."

He smiled, probably amazed by my colourful choice of words. I know I've said it before but it's so nice to see that smile on his beautiful face. I'd swear all day if that's what it takes for him to smile.

"Can I hug you?" He asks, almost in a tone which can be considered as a whisper.

"Of course." I say.

He quickly shuffled his way over and wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head in my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck in response. Ge holds me tight and I feel his warm breath caress my neck and feel a soft sensation in the crook of my neck. Later, I realise, it's his lips pressed onto that area.

Oh my god his lips.

Okay brain, shut up.

I don't know why but it felt so good to hug him and I didn't wanna let go any time soon. So I waited for him to do so.

I've hugged a lotta people in my 20 years of existence but it has never felt like this. I don't know how to put it but this feels intimate in a way.

"I promise." He whispers and pulls away.

I nod, "Night then."

"Goodnight, Haeun."

I proceed onto opening the front door and going out when I hear him say, "Don't forget to close the curtains because as cute as it is, I don't think you'd want me to see you drooling over my body again."

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