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Mr Harris was loathed by most students in the school. He was a small man who always wore business suits to school, even when the other teachers dressed casually. He loved the idea of heading assemblies and looking important. He had no hair and his head shined as if it'd been waxed. Either that or he was constantly perspiring. As he addressed the student body I could tell that there was another emotion he had in place of his usual arrogance. Behind the anger and disapproval there was something else: fear.

He and all the other teachers didn't know how to deal with this situation. It was clear that whoever was doing this was not just a stupid kid who wanted attention. It was a smart kid who wanted to create chaos. Why else had this student not been caught after so many horrific vandalisms?

I wouldn't be surprised if they'd already contacted the police. If they had it would be most likely that only a few policemen would come, make a big show of walking around the school just to get noticed. They would then hope that Shadow would be frightened and stop writing messages. If my messages were received it wouldn't be necessary for me to continue anyway.

It will appear that Shadow was scared off by the police. That's exactly what I need.

I don't want them to catch me and make things difficult. If I got caught they'd announce my full name and that would be a disaster. The killer would write my name in the death note. Game over.

What I needed to do was look around to see if anyone makes a reaction to the code word I put in the letters. Mr Harris stared out at the students. They all knew that someone in here was responsible for the vandalisms. I wonder if they would be smart enough to figure out who.

"The police have been called and will be arriving here shortly. Whoever is calling themselves Shadow has been doing the wrong thing. It's pathetic and sick!" He said viciously. As if he'd be able to evoke a reaction from me so easily. How disappointing.

"We'd also like to ask for anyone who knows anything to come forward. My office is always open. As for this menace defacing the school, if you come forward now your punishment will be much less than what it will be if we catch you, and we will catch you if you continue." Now they're trying to scare me into confessing? This is just getting ridiculous.

"These vandalisms against the school will not be tolerated. As for the messages about Joel Robinson's death, these cruel, beastly-" he's quite descriptive "-messages or whatever you call them, death notices-"

I immediately scanned the area. Time seemed to cease. There were hundreds of faces around me. All of them looking forward. They were of peaking interest, but the expression I was really looking for was shock, fear, suspicion. Did I imagine that sound? A gasp? A sharp intake of breath? Were other people going to look at who made the sudden noise? Would their heads point me to him/her? With the faint sound alone I couldn't determine gender. Several heads somewhere behind me turned to where the noise was louder. Over there. The killer is in that direction. If I stood now while only a few seconds of time had passed I might be able to make out one of those three expressions.

I couldn't though, it would be like announcing that I'm Shadow. The killer would try even harder to find my name. They'd know my plan. The turned heads were from the Year Eleven group. As I thought. Nobody else noticed them. Do I risk it? Do I stand up and look at him/her? The desire was almost overpowering, but I forced myself to remain seated.

"-are extremely inappropriate and need to stop right now! That is all." Mr Harris concluded.

Mrs Mirsky walked forward "You may leave now. Roll call teachers please escort your classes out of the hall. One at a time." People got up to leave, whispering excitedly or complaining about getting up. When Mrs Lee told us to stand we did.

Death Note: Blood TiesWhere stories live. Discover now