Chapter 3

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The whole drive home you think about what happened and how awkward it was. Okay you really need to stop thinking about it before it really gets to you. Then you pull up into the parking lot to your building, park, step out of your truck, and head inside. Once you open the door of your apartment you find Gamzee sprawled out on the couch snoring. You take off your shoes and walk over to him. He has drool spilling out from the side of his mouth. Disgusting. You make your way to your room to change into more comfortable clothing. You lay down in your bed staring at the ceiling you close your eyes moments later you are passed out.
The next morning you wake up and look at your clock 11:03 am it says and you roll out of bed. Gamzee is surprisingly awake he is sitting on the couch drinking what it looks to be that disgusting soda he drinks oh yeah Faygo.
"Good morning, brother." He says when he notices you taking a swig of the purple liquid.
You don't reply to his greeting and you just sit next to him on the couch arms crossed just thinking about yesterday.
You actually think about doing something today instead of being cooped up in the house all day.
You end up going to the park with Gamzee earlier that day. Where you figure out that Nepeta has decided to go the same exact time as you. She sees you and Gamzee and starts walking towards you. Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Hey guys,"she says waving with that stupid smile on her face. You don't want to say anything. She sits down in the bench next to you and Gamzee. Him and her start having a conversation while you sit there in silence. Until Gamzee fucking leaves you with her and you just want to smack him right in the fucking face. " So Karkat...?"
"What," you say in response.
"How is your day so far?"
" I guess it has been okay," you lie.
"That's good." she says looking away.
After a while of mingling you both look at each other at the sam exact time blushing. then you did something you didn't even plan. You kiss her.
Here you go Nepeta4686 I know you have been waiting for this for a while now.

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